Cleveland County sees first flu-related death of the season

Health officials are encouraging Cleveland County residents to get the flu vaccine.
Health officials are encouraging Cleveland County residents to get the flu vaccine.

Cleveland County has seen its first flu-related death of the 2022-23 flu season.

According to the Cleveland County Health Department, an adult died due to complications of influenza during the second week of November.

"This is a sad reminder that flu can be a serious illness and can lead to complications and even death in some cases," Deputy Health Director DeShay Oliver said. "With flu cases increasing and COVID-19 still with us, it is tremendously important for people to get a flu vaccine this year."

A statement from the departments said to protect the privacy of the family, no further information about the individual will be released.

Currently, North Carolina is seeing an increase in illnesses caused by respiratory viruses other than COVID-19, including influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), that is greater than at any time since the COVID-19 pandemic began in March 2020. This week NCDHHS announced five adult deaths from flu in North Carolina, and emergency department visits for flu-like illness are nearly double the percentage of the past two years.

The CDC recommends flu vaccination every year for everyone 6 months and older.

Vaccination is the best way to prevent sickness and can make illness milder for those who do get the flu, making it especially important for those at higher risk of more serious outcomes, such as people over 65 years old, children younger than 5, pregnant women and those with certain medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

Flu and COVID-19 vaccines can be administered at the same visit.

Flu vaccinations are available at hospitals, pharmacies, private medical offices, some federally qualified health care centers and local health departments. The flu vaccine is available at the Cleveland County Health Department for everyone 6 months and older with no appointment. Hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

To find a flu vaccine near you, go to

In North Carolina, flu infections are most common from late fall to early spring with activity usually peaking in January or February. Health care officials suggest the following precautions to protect against the spread of flu and other viruses:

  • Get the flu vaccine.

  • Stay home from work or school when sick to avoid spreading infection to others.

  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue and then discard the tissue promptly.

  • Practice the three Ws — wear a face covering over your nose and mouth, wait six feet apart and wash your hands often.

Those who feel ill should call ahead before going to a doctor’s office, local health department or urgent care to avoid exposing others.

Flu symptoms include:

  • Fever

  • Cough and/or sore throat

  • Runny or stuffy nose

  • Headaches and/or body aches

  • Chills

  • Fatigue

  • Nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea (most common in children)

Antiviral drugs are available and can help prevent flu infections from becoming more serious. Treatments work best if started soon after symptoms begin.

If you feel sick, contact your doctor right away to see if you need treatment with a prescription antiviral drug. Treatment with a prescription antiviral drug is especially important for hospitalized patients, people with severe illness, and those who are at higher risk of serious flu illness based on their age or health.

This article originally appeared on The Shelby Star: Cleveland County sees first flu-related death of the season