‘Like a clip from Wild Kingdom!’ Watch a gator battle a snake in Florida back yard

Two Florida homeowners were treated to a scene straight out of a nature documentary in their own back yard: An alligator sneak-attacking a snake.

Sean O’Malley recently sent Fox 35 Orlando the dramatic cellphone footage shot by his wife Kim on May 1 at their home in Nocatee, about 20 miles south of Jacksonville.

O’Malley also posted the roughly two-minute clip on his Facebook page to freak out his friends.

“Little gator vs. big snake. Who did I root for?” joked the caption.

The O’Malleys’ video starts with a gator swimming slowly swimming across a pond, eyeing the snake in the grass. Silently, it continues a beeline toward land in the still, murky water as birds chirp and a breeze blows in the phone’s microphone.

Suddenly, at around the 40-second mark, the beast makes its move, snatching the sizeable snake in its jaws and shaking it as it unsuccessfully attempts to escape. The gator then drags its meal into the water, where it proceeds to put it in a death roll, the spinning maneuver used to subdue and ultimately dismember and consume its prey.

The snake is not seen again. All you hear as the video ends is the gator munching away.

The O’Malley’s friends were duly awed by the sight.

“Crikey!” wrote one, using late “Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin’s signature phrase.

“That looks like a clip from Wild Kingdom!” pitched in another. “Watch your step!”

“So who won?” asked someone else. “Amazing video.”

“The gator. Snake didn’t stand a chance, replied O’Malley, who told the Miami Herald on Friday that they have no plans to call a trapper to capture the gator.

“They were here first,” O’Malley said, adding that they’ve seen others as well. “We are surrounded by wetlands. There are usually a couple around.”