A Clone of Oklahoma City 'Survivor Tree' Has Been Planted 24 Years After Bombing

Oklahoma City Memorial Tree to Be Cloned 24 Years After Bombing

The famed 100-year-old “Survivor Tree” that remained standing after the deadly Oklahoma City bombing has been cloned, and a seed with its identical genetic makeup planted to assure the memory of those lost in the tragedy will live on forever.

Civic leaders in Oklahoma City planted the seeds on Friday, the 24th anniversary of the attack, in Scissortail Park, according to the Associated Press. 

The bombing, which took place on April 19, 1995, destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City and killed 168 people. It remains the deadliest act of domestic terrorism on U.S. soil.

Science and technology helped officials create the clone. The idea came from former Mayor Mick Cornett, who brought up the concept back in 2010, Tulsa World reported. Officials at the Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum supported the concept and helped see it through.

RELATED: Oklahoma City Bombing 20 Years Later: The Youngest Survivors Reunite

The parent tree, an American elm, still remains on site of the attack. According to Tulsa World, it was neglected for years after the attack but has been cared for now, with officials closely monitoring its health.

Each year, seedlings from the Survivor Tree are taken and grown throughout the state.

Oklahoma forester Mark Bays told the AP that the cloned Survivor tree is expected to grow taller than the original.