Clovis to receive money for city-crossing trail

Sep. 20—It's a project that's been proposed for a few years and it looks like it will finally happen: A trail running through Clovis from the city's eastern edge to the western edge.

City Manager Justin Howalt said the final link to the trail will cost about $300,000 and will be called The Liebelt Channel Trail, named for the natural drainage channel that runs from the city's northwest to Greene Acres Lake.

The $300,000 is from the state Department of Transportation.

Howalt said the trail will follow the channel as it comes out of Bob Spencer Park and flows to Greene Acres Lake.

The Liebelt Channel Trail will join the trail at Greene Acres Lake.

"After the Greene Acres Lake trail there'll be signage directing users along the Seventh Street corridor to Seventh Street with its bike lanes and sidewalks," Howalt said. "Then the trail goes on to Hillcrest Park and its trails and continues on Seventh Street eastward to Clovis Community College and its trails."

The $300,000 from the state is not in city coffers now, Howalt said. It's to be received in the fall of 2023, the beginning of fiscal year 2024.

The $300,000 in state Department of Transportation money is part of $34 million for a number of projects for municipalities around the state.

The 2.8 miles of Liebelt Channel Trail has been talked about since 2007 when it was first in the city's comprehensive plan.

"I think it could be a great addition to our community by offering people more recreational opportunities," Howalt said.