Jan. 24—Clinton Club

The Clinton Club met Jan. 2, 2024 at the Greensburg Adult Center. In attendance were Marilyn D., Connie F., Reggie O., Donna F., Rita S., Barb B., Doris R., Deb G., Linda V., and Bonita H. We had a quick update on how Betty C. and her husband are doing. They are now living at Aspen Place and are in the same room.

We had a nice snack of cookies, brownie bars and chocolate covered caramel popcorn made and provided by Rita, our hostess for the evening.

We began our meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Extension Homemaker's Creed. Rita read "The Best Day of My Life" for devotions. Barb read the 'thought of the month.' We had one birthday and one anniversary for the month of January. Members answered the question, "How many New Year's resolutions have you already broken?" for roll call. Two corrections were made for December's minutes, and the treasurer's report was given.

International Night was discussed. We need to come up with the menu and pricing. We looked up and discussed Greek foods, and are currently considering chicken, roasted veggies, rice, and a Greek salad with feta cheese, olives, tomatoes and cucumber. Possibly a crusty bread with olive oil, and baklava for dessert. Barb will call a local caterer to discuss the menu and getting pricing. We will discuss decorations at a future meeting. We have a speaker lined up and the date will be April 18 with registration at 5:30 p.m. and dinner at 6 p.m. Greece's flag is blue and white so we will use that as a start for our theme for decorating.

The Madison District Retreat is May 7 and 8 at Camp Higher Ground. This is the 25th anniversary of the retreat and "A Trip Down Memory Lane" is the theme. If no one volunteers to take over the planning of the retreat, this could possibly be our last one.

The Spring District meeting is March 18 and will be hosted by Bartholomew County.

In new business, we discussed signing our name when responding to group texts about meetings and other items. That way we would all know who was responding when on the group text.

For Health & Safety, Barb said to "be careful, bundle up in the cold and watch where you are walking."

We discussed donating money to the John and Cyndi McCullough family to help with expenses while their baby is in the hospital. Linda motioned to donate $100 to the family to be used for essentials their family needs during this difficult time. Everyone voted in favor of donating, and Deb will take care of this.

For Cultural Arts, Connie read about "Ten New Year's Traditions from Across the Globe".

There was no lesson or Brain Game this evening.

Our next meeting is February 6 and that is the club's anniversary month. We will meet at Tree City Brewery at 6 p.m. to have our meeting and eat together. Anyone who would like to participate in the Valentine's exchange is to bring a grab bag gift of about $5 value.

Rita had everyone draw from small papers she had filled out, with five of them saying "Lucky" and those people won the door prizes of two plants and three bags of the caramel popcorn with chocolate drizzle.

The meeting was closed with singing of the Club Prayer.