Clubs celebrates Mayflower voyage

Nov. 20—The James Blair DAR Chapter and Colonial Dames of Corsicana came together to celebrate the voyage of the Mayflower, landing of the pilgrims and Kay Hable's husband's connection to the passengers on the Mayflower at the regular meeting of Kinsloe House Wednesday.

Kay Hable, in doing her research on the genealogy of her family, discovered that her husband, Paul, was a direct descendant of passengers on the Mayflower. She described the hardships, size, food, and diseases that accompanied the brave people on the Mayflower.

Mary Ann McColpin researched and gathered ships from that era that decorated the tables. Joe Hill, retired Navy captain, blew the whistle and commanded, "All Aboard" as guests began their imaginary trip on the Mayflower. As a treat to the members and guests, near beer and hard tack were served prior to the meeting. The hard tack was a modern version, however, the passengers on the Mayflower had to drink beer (adults and children) and eat only hard tack due to the lack of fresh water and storage to hold fresh foods.

The living quarters were very limited with a space of only 2 feet by 7 feet by 5 feet for each person. Passengers over 5 feet tall had to bend down constantly on board the ship. They were not allowed to go on top to get fresh air.

Barbara Watkins, regent, opened the meeting with Karen Compton leading the Pledge of the Allegiance and opening prayer. Lynda Green introduced Hable as the speaker.