Clyde's Food Pantry pizza fundraiser in its 11th year

In addition to helping to plan and set up the fundraiser, Alex Herman also volunteered to serve pizza at the party.
In addition to helping to plan and set up the fundraiser, Alex Herman also volunteered to serve pizza at the party.

CLYDE - One afternoon in 2013, sisters Theresa Herman and Brenda Fisher were talking over lunch, and two things were on their minds — the loss of their parents and the struggling plight of food pantries to keep their communities fed.

While these seem like dissimilar topics, they easily intertwined in the women's minds.

They knew their parents, Willis and Iris Skilliter, would have been concerned about hungry neighbors, too.

That lunch became a serendipitous moment, for from that conversation came the idea to host a pizza party fundraiser for the Clyde Back Door Food Pantry.  The fundraiser became an annual event, and Pizza Party for the Pantry, which was held at St. Paul Lutheran Church on March 18, is now in its 11th year.

Sisters Theresa Herman and Brenda Fisher created Pizza Party for the Pantry to help their community and honor the memory of their parents. The event is now in its 11th year.
Sisters Theresa Herman and Brenda Fisher created Pizza Party for the Pantry to help their community and honor the memory of their parents. The event is now in its 11th year.

Sisters plan fundraiser to aid community food pantry

“At the time, all food pantries were struggling a lot, and we decided we could help,” Herman said. “We were really missing our parents. Our mom and dad were such generous people, and we wanted to do something they would have done. By the time we were done with lunch that day, we had the first pizza party planned.”

At this year’s Pizza Party for the Pantry, guests brought donations of non-perishable food and toiletry products, ate free pizza and cookies, and bought raffle tickets to win prizes that ranged from gift cards to handmade quilts. All of the prizes were donated by local businesses and individuals, and the pizza was donated by Marco’s Pizza, Big D’s Pizza and Pizza House, all of Clyde.

Besides donations, raffle prizes raise more money

“We’ve been really blessed with a lot of donations from Clyde businesses. The first year, we had one raffle basket. This year, we have over 20,” Herman said.

Noah Brown serves pizza to Saebra Cooks, 12, of Fremont during Pizza Party for the Pantry at St. Paul Lutheran Church on March 18.
Noah Brown serves pizza to Saebra Cooks, 12, of Fremont during Pizza Party for the Pantry at St. Paul Lutheran Church on March 18.

The sisters aren’t only thankful for the prize donations. They are also grateful for the volunteer support they receive every year from family and friends. Brenda’s husband and children — Jeff, Alex and Lizzy Herman — put in countless hours of help. Sandy DeNudt donates a handmade quilt every year. Noah Brown, Bev Albright, Jean Jackson, Harriet Whitaker, and John and Ann Fleming helped host this year’s party.

Without them, the fundraiser couldn’t exist.

“Today, we raised $463 and collected 438 items for the Clyde Back Door Food Pantry,” Herman said.

Clyde Police Officer Dana Widman, who runs the Back Door Food Pantry for the City of Clyde, was grateful for the help.

“We serve the Clyde-Green Springs School District (area), and anyone who falls within income guidelines can receive food,” Widman said. “We can always use whatever the public is willing to donate.”

Thanks to the Pizza Party for the Pantry, 438 items were donated to the Clyde Back Door Food Pantry.
Thanks to the Pizza Party for the Pantry, 438 items were donated to the Clyde Back Door Food Pantry.

Pizza Party for the Pantry has grown every year. When it outgrew its former location at Clyde Public Library, St. Paul Lutheran Church offered the use of its fellowship hall on West Forest Street.

“We’ve been so blessed by the community and by our friends, family and coworkers,” Herman said. “They are foundational to the success of the party and the reason we’ve been able to do it all these years.”

Contact correspondent Sheri Trusty at

This article originally appeared on Fremont News-Messenger: Clyde's Food Pantry pizza fundraiser in its 11th year