'Coffee With Carver' program planned for Thursday

Feb. 13—An informational program on George Washington Carver will be given Thursday at the visitor center at George Washington Carver National Monument.

The "Coffee With Carver" program will start at 10 a.m.

Coffee and hot tea will be available as a park ranger shares a program about Carver's work with peanuts and sweet potatoes.

Carver taught impoverished sharecropping families methods to improve poor soil and grow nutrient-dense foods, recipes for family meals and food preservation techniques. This information was shared through agricultural bulletins, lectures and Carver's school on wheels.

Following the ranger talk, participants will gather in the science lab to make mock coconut, starch and flour from sweet potatoes and milk from peanuts.

"Coffee With Carver" is a free program supported by the Carver Birthplace Association.

Another "Coffee With Carver" program will be held March 21 about wild edibles.

George Washington Carver National Monument preserves the birthplace and childhood home of Carver, a renowned scientist, educator, and humanitarian. The park is located 2 miles west of Diamond, Missouri on Highway V, then 1/4 mile south on Carver Road.

For more information, call the park at 417-325-4151 between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or visit the park's website at www.nps.gov/gwca or on Facebook.