Coffee and snack chains try to figure out new normal

Hand sanitiser and masks are already the norm.

But snack and coffee chains face bigger problems figuring out how to operate.

Starbucks and others have already reopened many branches for takeaway orders.

The coffee chain says over 90% of its company-owned U.S. locations will be open by early June.

But analysts wonder how such firms will make a profit.

Margins will be squeezed by extra costs for hazard pay, cleaning and protective gear.

UK-based Pret A Manger is offering a stripped down menu to reduce demands on staff.

Customers will be able to buy ‘heat at home’ versions of some snacks instead.

Local rival Greggs has also trimmed the menu, and stopped taking cash.

But analysts say its small branches will struggle to operate with social distancing.

It’s also unclear how long customers will be willing to line up.

If they aren’t, that threatens a business model based on high sales volumes.

As for Starbucks, some of its branches have gone back to paper cups only - reversing a trend to limit disposables.

The chain said last month that comparable U.S. sales were back to about two-thirds of prior levels.

It didn’t say exactly how long a full recovery might take.