New College's legacy is on the line. Now's the time to protect it

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Autocrats – and those who seemingly aspire to lead like them – always find guidance from the pages of the same ominous textbook:

It's the one with pages full of passages like this:

“If a part of history can’t be erased, just dismiss the fact that it's a part of history.”

And this:

“If ‘freedom’ becomes a threatening word because too many people feel empowered to fully embrace it, just redefine the word so fewer people feel empowered to embrace it at all.”

And this:

“If you don’t possess the powers of persuasion to promote collaboration, just use the political powers you do possess to demand capitulation.”

Sadly, these textbook pages have become both dog-eared and well-thumbed throughout Gov. Ron DeSantis’ four full years (and counting) of leading our state.

More:DeSantis seeks to transform Sarasota's New College with conservative board takeover

More:'We will not go down without a fight,' students vow after DeSantis move to upend New College

And they serve as the blueprint for one of DeSantis’ most breathtaking flirtations yet with autocratic behavior – the governor’s recent move to appoint six new members to New College of Florida’s Board of Trustees, some of whom don’t even live in the state, and arm them with the task of morphing a highly acclaimed public liberal-arts institution on Sarasota Bay into one that mirrors Hillsdale College, a private Christian conservative school in Michigan that:

∎ Doesn’t accept government funding, which allows it to sidestep complying with numerous federal laws, including some that address forms of discrimination.

∎ Employed a chaplain who sent a campuswide email urging students, faculty, alumni and others to pray for an end to the “evil” of same-sex marriage.

∎ Has a president, Larry Arnn, who last year declared that public school teachers “are trained in the dumbest parts of the dumbest colleges in the country.”

By any definition, then, what’s happening now in the boardroom of New College is the hostile acquisition of an educational pillar of our community and state alike.

Sarasota resident Tamara Solum holds up a sign reading "NO HOSTILE TAKEOVER OF NCF!" during a meeting of the Sarasota County Legislative Delegation Thursday. Solum's daughter attends New College of Florida.
Sarasota resident Tamara Solum holds up a sign reading "NO HOSTILE TAKEOVER OF NCF!" during a meeting of the Sarasota County Legislative Delegation Thursday. Solum's daughter attends New College of Florida.

And it is a hostile act that deserves a robust response from all who care about higher education – one that is free of actual hostility but matches the intensity of those who appear dead-set on completely altering the mission of New College for solely ideological and political purposes.

Yes, it is true: the governor does possess the authority to appoint whomever he wishes to serve on New College’s board of trustees. But this is also beyond debate: DeSantis’ governing authority in this matter is no greater than the moral authority held by New College's stakeholders – in other words, all of us – to demand real answers and true accountability from the new trustees who want to make the school a glorified “Hillsdale of the South.”

Evolution, not revolution

Let's be clear here:

There is no institution of higher education that should be immune to evolving – even one that boasts the sustained accomplishments and lofty reputation of New College, which perennially appears on national “Top Colleges” lists and has become a model for many liberal-arts schools for its innovative teaching, relative affordability and diverse and talented student body.

But there are few if any encouraging signs that DeSantis’ recent appointees will be proponents of “constructive evolution” when it comes to crafting New College's direction and path.

Indeed “reckless revolution” may be a better way to sum up the mindset of the novice trustees, given that one of them, Chris Rufo, recently boasted to The New York Times that New College will undergo “a top-down restructuring” over the next 120 days – while another, Eddie Speir, has spent considerable time on Twitter espousing unfounded conspiracy theories about COVID vaccines and denying the existence of climate change.

So, yes, DeSantis' new appointees likely have little interest in using their positions to help New College evolve in a responsible manner. But that can't be an excuse for those who do have New College’s best interests at heart to ignore their responsibility to keep these new trustees accountable every step of the way going forward.

While countless questions remain regarding New College's fate, one thing is already certain: The best course of action for those who fear the future prospect of mourning New College's lost legacy is to fight passionately to protect the rich one it still enjoys today.

It is that page that has yet to be written, and all who truly support New College had better make sure they're the ones writing it.

– This editorial was written by Opinion Editor Roger Brown for the Herald-Tribune Editorial Board.

This article originally appeared on Sarasota Herald-Tribune: Does New College really need to become a 'Hillsdale of the South'?