Colorado Springs nonprofits build free beds for children, adults without a comfy place to lay their heads

Dec. 26—Every time Christy Kearns' three boys look up while lying on their triple-decker bunkbed, their eyes focus on the words, "You are seen, you are known, you are loved."

The sweet saying is etched in the wooden slats above their heads, reminding her 6-, 7- and 8-year-old foster kids of the intention daily.

"They have it memorized," Kearns said.

The message is heartfelt from giver to receiver, who may never meet but share a connectedness.

The new, handcrafted wooden bed and others like it comes courtesy of Love Your Neighbor.

The humanitarian project originated out of Pulpit Rock Church five years ago and is working on standing on its own legs as a separate nonprofit.

The bed that the Kearns family received from the organization in October is special for another reason.

Kearns had received a call from a foster-placement agency that a child with spina bifida needed somewhere to live, but the family didn't have enough beds to take him.

After finding out from the foster agency that Love Your Neighbor provides free beds to children and adults in need of a comfortable place to lay their heads, Kearns was able to say yes to accepting the new boy.

"Within two days they brought not only beds but also mattresses and bedding with the kids' favorite things — dinosaurs, bears, a space theme," she said.

The best part, though, is that the bottom bunk is just right for the family's new special-needs son.

"The boy is paralyzed," Kearns said, "but since the bed is on the ground level, he can get in and out of bed himself."

The story is unique but similar to others heard by volunteers from two Colorado Springs nonprofits that are not associated but that both supply beds as an act of charity.

Love Your Neighbor started in 2017 as a handyman ministry, but when it received a request for bunkbeds in 2018, the mission took a turn, said Luke Wrobleski, director.

The first beds volunteers delivered were for four girls who had moved in with their aunt and uncle. Foster parents have just 30 days to provide a list of required items for children, including a bed, Wrobleski said. If they can't do that, the children get moved to a different home.

"After they've been pushed aside or abused by their parents, it's got to mess with their self-worth if they don't have a bed," Wrobleski said. "If they have to sleep on a floor or a couch, it's even more heartbreaking."

The organization delivered 192 bunk, individual and toddler beds in 2021 and more than 300 this year. The total number of beds supplied since 2018 is nearing 1,000.

With increased prices on lumber, mattresses, pillows and bedding, each bunkbed set costs about $450 to create, Wrobleski said.

"A lot of these kids in the system get removed from their homes and may only have a grocery sack of what they own," he said. "They may never have the chance to have something that's new or their own. Kids deserve something more."

The Colorado Springs chapter of the nationwide Sleep in Heavenly Peace organization estimates that up to 3% of households with children in the area have kids who don't sleep on real beds but on futons, floors, couches, blow-up mattresses or with their parents.

"Child bedlessness is our mission to stop," said Denny Butts, chapter president and digital brand manager for Sleep in Heavenly Peace.

At one house the child was using an ottoman as his bed, he said. At another house, three children were sleeping on a modular couch. All got new beds from the organization.

"Kids can't control their situation," Butts said. "We want to make sure kids have a good night's sleep; a kid will do better in school, be more confident and healthier."

Sleep in Heavenly Peace also started building beds at no cost to recipients in 2018.

The organization is not connected to a church and also relies on community volunteers, who completed 230 beds this year, Butts said. One woman recently donated 70 handmade quilts for recipients, he said.

"When we're delivering, they'll want to go to bed immediately because they're so excited to have their own bed," Butts said.

To bring awareness to the problem, Sleep in Heavenly Peace joined the community-wide CityServe volunteer effort, which netted 105 volunteers building 46 beds in one day last October.

The need for beds is constant, Wrobleski said, and Love Your Neighbor volunteers work like Santa's elves year-round in a large woodworking shop on the lower level of the non-denominational Pulpit Rock Church.

The organization fields requests for beds from human and social service agencies, schools, senior organizations, churches and other groups.

On a recent weeknight, the shop hummed with saws cutting, drills making holes, sanders smoothing, brushes staining, the air filtration system cleaning and everything coming together in a finished product.

Eight volunteers from Pikes Peak Kiwanis Club, a service-based organization focusing on children, provided the manpower and donated $1,000 to boot.

"It's about giving back to your community," said Brittney Hansen, owner of a female networking company called The Success Collective.

She was using a miter saw to cut sideboards for a bunkbed.

"I love making a difference," she said. "You can always write a check, but there's something about actual hands-on and putting your heart into these beds."

Hansen said she's not a woodworker but enjoys learning the skill in a safe environment with plenty of guidance.

No experience is necessary to lend a hand, said Brian Worster, a regular volunteer.

Worster said he didn't know why he felt comfortable attending Pulpit Rock Church until two months after joining, when Wrobleski started Love Your Neighbor.

"I just like to serve," Worster said. "It's the only reason I'm here."

Both organizations teach woodworking skills and mentor students from local schools.

A second Love Your Neighbor wood shop soon will open at Mountain Springs Church, another non-denominational, independent congregation in Colorado Springs.