Colorado Woman Nurses Stray Kitten Back to Health

A Colorado woman has nursed a small kitten back to health after it was found “outside in the freezing weather,” and documented the journey on her TikTok account.

Chandra M Smith told Storyful the kitten, who’s been named Chase, couldn’t see properly at first because of matted fur.

“I figured maybe someone out there would see the difference I made with her and realize that they, too, can make a difference in the future by helping an animal,” Smith said.

In Smith’s most recent update on TikTok, she said she took Chase to the vet, who said the kitten was in good health.

“She has become such an important part of my life and family,” she said. Credit: Chandra M. Smith via Storyful

Video Transcript

- [INAUDIBLE] what's taking him so long?

- Hi, I'm here to replace Helm.

- No, you're not. You're here to find her. Turn around and go.

- You want me to find Dr. Helm?

- Yes, and Dr. Wilson and bring them here stat.