Colorado's highways will help with statewide broadband expansion. Here's how

Colorado's highways are the backbone connecting the state's rural towns. Now, more will provide the backbone for broad expansion of high-speed internet in the state.

The state will begin offering leases for Colorado Department of Transportation property along the highways it manages under a new fee structure so broadband providers can use the land to expand their networks.

The recently announced resolution is in response to Senate Bill 22-083, concerning a broadband provider's use of the public right-of-way. The bill directed CDOT to develop an electronic application, permitting, contract, and fee structure to facilitate the deployment of broadband made available to the public. In 2022, the bill received a 65-0 vote by the Senate and was signed by Gov. Jared Polis on April 7, 2022.

In response to the bill, CDOT published a revised fee schedule to reduce costs for providers to install fiber in the public right of way.

Transportation Commission Vice Chair Terry Hart stated that the access fee plan will help undeserved communities receive improved broadband access.

"The fee structure works to strike a careful balance that reduces private sector costs and preserves assets owned by taxpayers, and we are committed to supporting these objectives so that more Coloradans can access broadband,” Hart said.

Currently, the initial, one-time installment fee for permitting costs is 5 cents per foot. An annual Property Use Surcharge is 10 cents per foot for urban counties and 3 cents per foot for the state's rural counties.

“The proposal offers greater opportunities for broadband development, competes favorably with our neighboring states on costs, and meets the state’s existing legal obligations to care for the public land under our responsibility,” Transportation Commission Chair Karen Stuart said.

For any given broadband agreement, CDOT says Coloradans can anticipate an 18–24-month timeline for a project to be completed.

This article originally appeared on Fort Collins Coloradoan: Colorado's highways will help with statewide broadband expansion. Here's how