Column: Are you going to hell? That's complicated question in need of a thoughtful answer

“Do you think I am going to hell?” is a question you might get asked from time to time when you share your faith with others or dare to talk about Jesus Christ and salvation. I have sometimes wondered, what is the best way to answer that question? There are often different factors behind that question that can impact the best way to answer.

For example, someone could ask that question as a sincere inquiry, never having considered the possibility of a hell and being condemned to it. Another could ask that question not as a sincere inquiry but rather as a foundation to make the argument you are being judgmental and who are you to judge them. They would ask it to instigate a fight rather than to learn or understand.

No one wants to think they are going to hell. No one likes to think of themselves as being a sinner. Most people think of themselves as being good enough to earn a spot in heaven. That perception is based on a lack of understanding or ignorance of what God actually has said. Nowhere does God tell us we can earn our way into heaven, that we just have to be good enough.

On their own merit, no one is qualified to go to heaven

In fact, just the opposite, he has told us that on our own merit, none of us are qualified to go to heaven. Consider the following verses: Isaiah 64:6, "We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment;" Romans 3:10, "As it is written: None is righteous, no, not one;” Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God;" and finally, Romans 6:23a, "For the wages of sin is death."

The truth is if we could easily earn our own way into heaven, then Jesus never needed to come to Earth, taking the form of a man, and then die for our sins so we might receive his salvation. If we could earn our own way into heaven, then there would be no need for the cross and the empty tomb.

So how would I answer someone who says, “Do you think I am going to hell?” I would answer, “Without Jesus, we are all going to hell. The only way for any of us to escape that punishment is through Jesus Christ. What is more, he willingly will give his salvation to those who come to him.” From there, if they are willing, we can look to Scripture and discuss things like faith, repentance, baptism and more.

Now I know that not all would be willing. Unfortunately, there are those who will always be opposed to the things of God. But don’t let that keep you from looking for those who are ready and willing to hear the gospel message.

Scot Myers is the senior minister at Ashland Christian Church.

This article originally appeared on Ashland Times Gazette: Column: Am I going to hell? That can be a tricky question