Comanche approves 'minimal' rate hike for 2023

Nov. 10—COMANCHE — City Manager Chuck Ralls has worked for months on the right plan to present to council when it comes to an increase in utility rates. Comanche City Council approved a "minimal" rate hike for the 2023 calendar year this Tuesday.

During the Public Works Authority meeting, the board of trustees saw what the automatic rate increase from OMPA was going to be and decided to take no action for that plan.

Ralls then presented the option that will increase the rate for the 2023 calendar year and then make a decision about 2024, which currently will have the auto rate increase go back into place.

Resolution 371-22, which the board of trustees saw from Ralls, shows the amount is lower than other cities like Duncan and Marlow for rate increases. Ralls reported that Comanche's is on the lower end.

"I don't feel that we are in a position to be able to eat that additional 2.86%, so I am requesting that we just pass everything through," Ralls said. "The impact on the customers is going to be minimal. If you look at the residential increase, on electric would be $1.50 for the base charge and it would be less than a penny, so very minimal impact on the kilowatt. Your average customer will play $1.50 more for the electric."

Ralls stated that bigger commercial accounts will look at an increase of about $6 and the small commercial accounts will look at a $2.40 increase per month.

That is just the change for electric. Ralls presented the change for water and sewer will be capped at 4% with another "minimal" change. No changes on garbage at this time.

Trustees tried to make sure they understood the effect on customers. Ralls stated most of the residents will see the increase of about $1.50 per month.

Ralls doubled down that the second plan will help customers out more before trustees decided to take no action on the auto rate ordinance and instead, adopted new resolution 371-22 to amend rates.

With a 4-0 vote, the resolution passed. New rates will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2023, and last the calendar year for the residents of Comanche.

Members of the Public Works Authority also approved a lease purchase for a new bucket truck for the electric department.

Ralls stated this is to get in line for the ability to build one to the specifics needed for the Electric Department. Taking care of it now, he said, gets it in time for the peak seasons.

He said best case scenario, if approved, the delivery will come around May or June 2023. Most suppliers are out two years, he said, and the interest rate is being done by a local bank.

The board approved the local lease purchase with American Nation to finance the deal, which is for 72 months to make it right at $2,000 a month on the payment.

With the rolloff of a payoff for equipment on a back hoe, this new payment will take place and not bring any major impact on the Public Works Authority finances, Ralls said.

It was approved 4-0.

The Public Works Authority agenda finished with approval of a one-time salary adjustment for employees and health insurance for the employees.

The next meeting for the City of Comanche will take place at 5:30 p.m. Dec. 13 at Council Chambers, located at 500 N. Rodeo Drive in Comanche.