COMIC BOOKS: Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker

Jul. 22—The Hulk has a busy future ahead of him.

In some books, in future decades, he becomes Earth's dictator called the Maestro, with the brawn of the Hulk, the brains of Bruce Banner and a ruthless attitude.

In "Old Man Logan," he's the leader of a gamma-fueled gang of green, incestuous cannibals who run a portion of the United States.

In the five-issue "Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker" miniseries — now collected in a trade paperback, readers meet the Hulk, She-Hulk, Amadeus Cho and other green-skinned folks living on the planet Sakaar, the site where Hulk became a warrior king. But it's a thousand years past the original "Planet Hulk" storyline.

Banner tries controlling the Hulk, known as the Green Scar on Sakaar. Cho is a green-skinned grandfather of the green-skinned Haarg. She-Hulk is a living fuel source.

Banner and the Haarg are hunted here by a priestess who has plans for them.

Can Banner bring himself to free the Green Scar after so many years of repressing the Hulk?

Creative team — Greg Pak, writer, Manuel Garcia, penciller, Cam Smith, inker, Chris Sotomayor, colorist, and VC Joe Caramagna — create a suspenseful return to "Planet Hulk." A strong story for readers familiar with the original "Planet Hulk" storyline but other readers should pick up "Planet Hulk" first.