Coming out as gay doesn't absolve you of your anti-LGBTQ+ history

<span>Photograph: Ashlee Rezin/AP</span>
Photograph: Ashlee Rezin/AP

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Ex-congressman makes shocking Downton Abbey confession

You’re never going to believe this, but it appears that a former Republican politician is a massive hypocrite.

Aaron Schock, a four-term Illinois congressman, was once a GOP wunderkind. He was the first member of the US Congress born in the 1980s but had the values of someone born in the 1890s, consistently voting against LGBTQ+ rights. On Thursday, however, the 38-year-old came out as gay in a 2,000 word post.

Schock’s sexuality, as he himself notes, isn’t a huge surprise to many. Rumours followed him throughout his political career – which came to an ignominious end in 2015 when he resigned amid allegations that he’d misappropriated taxpayer funds. (He was later indicted but charges were dropped last year). Schock was widely known as the Downton Abbey Guy because of his lavish Capitol Hill office which was renovated in the style of a dining room from the British period drama.

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Schock is apparently still seething about the Downton digs which he describes as a “dog-whistle”. “I’d never even heard of, and still haven’t seen, Downton Abbey,” he stresses in his coming-out essay.

After clarifying that urgent matter, Schock expresses remorse for being against marriage equality in 2008, but notes that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama also held that position at the time. “[I]f I were in Congress today, I would support LGBTQ rights in every way I could,” he wrote. Nothing says “brave” like supporting something once it becomes mainstream!

While Schock half-apologizes for being against marriage equality, he conveniently ignores the rest of his hugely homophobic record. This man wasn’t just a coward, he was a crusader. He scored a zero on the Human Rights Campaign’s congressional scorecard. He voted against the Matthew Shepard Act, which expanded federal hate crime laws to include attacks motivated by gender identity or sexuality. He voted against the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. He boasted about having one of the “most conservative voting records in the state house”.

“Everyone deserves to come out as their authentic self on their own terms,” Glaad, an LGBTQ advocacy group, tweeted in response to the former politician’s declaration. “However, Aaron Schock’s statement fails to acknowledge the years of hurt that his votes … caused LGBTQ Americans.”

I have some sympathy for Schock. He notes that he comes from a religious family who have reacted to his sexuality with disappointment, bible verses and recommendations that he seek conversion therapy. Coming out can’t have been easy.

Nevertheless, coming out isn’t some sort of “get out of jail free” card. It doesn’t absolve you of your history. It doesn’t wipe your slate clean like Schock seems to think it does. As Glaad notes, the ex-politician doesn’t acknowledge the hurt he caused. He doesn’t take real responsibility and he doesn’t even properly apologize.

Instead of asking for forgiveness, Schock seems to demand applause: LGBTQ+ people who don’t welcome him with open arms, he suggests, are “vicious”. His self-indulgent essay paints himself as both tragic victim and courageous hero. “I … hope that in sharing my story it might help shine a light for young people,” he writes. What exactly is the moral of that story, one wonders? It is absolutely fine to spend years screwing over your community for personal gain as long as you come out afterwards? As far as I’m concerned, Schock can shine his light elsewhere.

Dubai ruler organized daughters’ abduction says UK court

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum is responsible for the abduction of two of his children, a British judge has ruled. Princess Shamsa was kidnapped from the streets of Cambridge, England in 2000, when she was 19; she hasn’t been seen in public since. Princess Latifa was seized by commandos in the Indian Ocean when fleeing Dubai in 2018 and forced to return home. The judge, Sir Andrew McFarlane, also found that the Sheikh had waged a campaign of intimidation against his former wife, Princess Haya. Just a quick reminder: the Sheikh recently hosted Ivanka Trump at the Global Women’s Forum in Dubai. Ivanka praised UAE leadership for their reforms on women’s rights. Sounds about right.

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Free rail travel for domestic abuse victims

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