I commend Palm Springs Police Chief Mills, but I disagree Riverside County helps homeless

Congratulations and best wishes to the Palm Springs Police in carrying out their newly designed plan to respond to persistent criminals among the homeless population in our city. In explaining the plan, however, Chief Andy Mills was completely off the mark in his claim that Riverside County does an “amazing job” of helping those who are living on the streets because of poverty.

I worked as a homeless case manager last year and was frustrated, disappointed and appalled at the lack of actual assistance for low or no-income homeless offered by the county.

I worked with clients who were living in tents, couch surfing, or spending their disability insurance at Motel 6 while it lasted, and the only material assistance offered by Riverside County was food stamps and an "Obamaphone," both actually federal programs. My agency also offered snack bags, clothing and bus passes, all paid with federal grants.

The police department plan is a positive response within the avenues available to law enforcement. But Palm Springs should not expect to see any relief among the neediest people living on our streets.

Robert Huesca, Palm Springs

Siltanen’s letter to the editor regarding Calvert reads like 'blame the victim'

Regarding Richard Siltanen’s Jan. 22 letter to the editor, "Congressman Ken Calvert’s restraint should be applauded”: The writer of this letter says that on Jan. 6, the Capitol police “allowed a crowd of protesters to turn into a mob and allowed the mob the enter the Capitol.” He suggests that they should be held accountable, not the mob.

Anyone who has seen the video of that day knows that no one in that mob was asking for permission to be “allowed” into the Capitol. If Capitol officers being crushed in doorways, pepper sprayed in the face and bludgeoned with flag poles were in any way “allowing” the mob to enter in the Capitol, then I am King of Jupiter. This is nonsense that could be said in three words: Blame the victim.

Bob DePugh, Cathedral City

Writer describing Calvert's restraint is living in a mirage

The writer of the letter praising Congressman Calvert’s “restraint” is truly living in a mirage. He must have missed the Jan. 6 images of Capitol police being beaten, gassed, stomped, dragged down stairs and otherwise “frightened.” Another problem with living in a mirage is to forget that blaming the “Biden Justice Department” for letting us down on Jan. 6 is problematic, as another fellow was sort of president on that day. And so it goes.

Jerry Marshak, Palm Springs

'Calvert's restraint' sounds like gaslighting to me

"Gaslighting" and "blaming the victim" are two concepts that come to mind after a reading of Richard Siltanen’s Jan. 22 letter supporting Congressman Calvert's silence on the subject of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. Perhaps the writer should consider "embarrassment" rather than a desire for unity for the congressman's motive.

Steve Mc Cambly, La Quinta

Great Sunday story about the history of Bank of America

Wow! What a great Palm Springs story, “History: Bank of America founder put down roots in Palm Springs.” Like many of us "boomers," my first bank account was at Bank of America – opened as a 16 year old who had recently landed his first summer job. Still have most of my accounts there.

Very interesting to know the backstory of how Bank of America was born.

Kent Creager, Indian Wells

Honoring Coachella Valley’s human life nonprofits

On Jan. 22, people throughout the United States honored the Sanctity of Human Life Day and our humanity as human beings. For many of us, it is nonnegotiable from the beginning to the end as we recognize and celebrate it, demonstrating the value of life itself.

In the Coachella Valley, there are three nonprofit organizations that commit every day to protecting human life at every stage.

Birth Choice of the Desert, Refuge Pregnancy Center and Mama’s House continue their diligence to offer help and support for those who face difficulties in pregnancy, parenting, infant needs and housing, and feel without the help provided to our families, may not have a choice of life. Please honor this day, those supporting these local agencies and their support of the sanctity of life.

Debby Aiton, Indio

This article originally appeared on Palm Springs Desert Sun: Palm Springs Police Chief Mills' Operation Relentless Sun is good