Commentary: The problems with social media activism

The political and social turmoil of the past two years has been unprecedented. From police brutality to the debate over anti-abortion laws, each controversy has shed light on the major shortcomings in the American government.

These controversies have also attracted a plethora of attention from the general public, specifically on social media.

A variety of artwork, photos, and trends have surfaced on social media after past political or social issues, which many users felt compelled to repost. Reposting about these issues is often done by users in an attempt to spread awareness or convey a specific message.

While spreading awareness is important to combating political or social issues, there is an extent to which mindlessly reposting the same trite artwork doesn’t contribute to meaningful change.

Divya A Shanmugam
Divya A Shanmugam

Spreading awareness on social media without offering ways for others to combat the issue — also known as "slacktivism" — should be categorized as indifference rather than activism.

Real activism on social media identifies an injustice and offers ways to alleviate that problem. However, the political and social scene of the past year has contributed to a rise in slacktivism.

The Pew Research Center finds that 50% of all Americans consider themselves politically active on social media; only 19%, however, have actually "researched information on protests, rallies," or other ways to actively advocate for social progress.

While educating social media users about social or political injustice can be important, the fact that less than half of politically active users have decided to advocate more directly or share other ways to participate is alarming.

What many claim to be political activism is simply reposting content without encouraging others to take action. Why are social media users so eager to brand themselves as activists, but so unwilling to do the work that accompanies the title?

There are two possible explanations for this lack of effort. First, it’s more convenient to mindlessly press "post" instead of pursuing a thorough line of research.

I agree that social media activism is more convenient because specific messages can reach a wider range of people. However, this convenience shouldn’t prevent users from continuing to educate themselves on the issue or find ways to actively contribute.

The second explanation for slacktivism is that participating in a movement or being passionate about a particular issue is perceived as a trend. Users feel obligated to post about a particular issue, not because they genuinely wish to make a change, but to mimic everyone else.

A prime example of this occurred after the death of George Floyd in which users posted completely black pictures with the caption "#blackouttuesday." Advocating for the fact that Black lives matter became a trend; the more users who posted a black picture, the more who were compelled to participate.

If participating in a trend is all it takes to be an activist on social media, why should anyone take real initiative — protesting, donating, and more — to affect change?

This type of "trendy activism" can be dangerous. Trends like "Blackout Tuesday" trivialize pivotal social issues, which perpetuates similar injustices.

By reducing serious issues to fads that circulate on social media, no real change can be accomplished. It is important to keep in mind that spreading awareness on social media is still an effective form of activism –– to an extent.

Social media activism is most effective when users are able to educate other users while also encouraging them to directly take action in their own communities. Instead of using the convenience of social media activism as an excuse for failing to make a real difference, the next time you post about a social or political issue, ask yourself: Is this the most effective way I can contribute?

Divya A Shanmugam is a junior at Jackson High School.

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Commentary: The problems with social media activism