Commission suspends liquor license at TJ's Diner amid violations. Here's the details.

TAUNTON – The License Commission suspended the liquor license for four upcoming days at TJ's Diner on Alger Avenue following two violations. The Commission also rolled back the entertainment license stop time in response to noise complaints by residents.

Last month Alger Avenue resident David Aruda came before the City Council with a petition from residents concerned about loud noise coming from TJ's Diner on the weekends. Aruda said the music is extremely loud and “reverberates around the entire neighborhood.”

Police Chief Edward Walsh told the Commission there have been numerous complaints logged against TJ's Diner. Since January, there have been 38 calls, with 11 noise complaints.


At the License Commission meeting last week, officials noted two incidents where the establishment did not adhere to the closing time on the license. According to police reports, one case in October, where a person was injured, occurred at 1:54 a.m., and a second incident police body cam footage shows people sitting and drinking at the bar at 1:03 a.m. According to the license for TJ's Diner, last call at the restaurant is 12:30 a.m. and the restaurant is to close at 1 a.m.

Following a lengthy discussion, the Commission agreed to suspend TJ's alcohol license for four days, two consecutive days each over the next two months. Members agreed the restaurant will not be able to serve alcohol on January 25 and 26, February 29 and March 1.

Noise concerns

A number of noise concerns from neighbors noted that Sunday nights were a big issue relative to noise disruption. In response to these complaints, the License Commission agreed to roll back the entertainment license on Sundays with all music stopping at 6 p.m. and the restaurant closing at 11 p.m., with last call at 10:30 p.m. These restrictions began December 24 and will include January 7 and January 14. Members agreed to exclude New Year's Eve from the restriction since the restaurant had already planned an event that night.

The Commission will revisit the issue at their next meeting on January 17 to determine if these restrictions made a difference with the noise in the neighborhood and if the Sunday changes will continue.

TJ's Diner on Alger Avenue
TJ's Diner on Alger Avenue

License Commission member Steven Turner said neighborhood residents indicated loud music at TJ's on Sunday nights is a more significant concern than on Friday and Saturday evenings, which some people complained about.

“There is some anger and frustration out there in the neighborhood,” he said during the License Commission public hearing on Dec. 20. “Sunday nights seem like a big issue to these folks.”

According to city officials, TJ's Diner is in a business district and has an entertainment license that allows music entertainment from noon until 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and from noon until 1 a.m.. on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

TJ’s Diner owner, John Deandrave, who also lives in the neighborhood surrounding the restaurant, said he is willing to meet with neighborhood residents and hear their concerns.

“I don’t want to spoil my neighborhood,” he said. “ I am willing to work with the neighbors, city,and police.”

Alger Avenue resident Sarah Router said she sometimes hears loud music coming from TJ’s Diner in her bedroom on Mondays at 1:30 a.m.

“When I hear noise reverberate in my bedroom at 1:30 a.m. and I have to get up at 6 a.m., do you think I am going to be happy,” she said. “Nobody in their right mind would be happy.”

Router said the neighborhood “has a right to peace,” which would happen if TJ’s Diner stopped playing loud music that people could hear inside their homes.

“If it (TJ’s Diner) resolves to eliminate Sunday entertainment, that is great,” she said.

Parking concerns

Residents also expressed concern about the no parking signs in the neighborhood that are impacting the ability for residents to park close to their homes.

Cars parked on the sidewalk of Alger Avenue near TJ's Diner have raised safety concerns among some neighborhood residents
Cars parked on the sidewalk of Alger Avenue near TJ's Diner have raised safety concerns among some neighborhood residents

Aruda said parking should be allowed on one side of Alger Avenue because some homeowners don’t have enough space in their driveway to accommodate cars by family members or guests.

City resident Antonio Fazeka said Deandrave indicated he would be willing to talk with neighborhood residents about their concerns.

“I don’t think neighbors are trying to give him a hard time,” he said. “They want to have some peace. I think he will do something to move his business forward.”

Staff reporter Ed Baker and editor Jennifer Martinage contributed to this report.

This article originally appeared on The Taunton Daily Gazette: License Commission suspends TJ's Diner liquor license, rolls back hours