Commissioner Mario Chavez: A plan to address Shreveport crime

Shreveport Residents,

"What are you going to do about crime?" This is the first question I have gotten asked on the campaign trail over the past 3 months and I see this question being asked more and more.

In a CBS study released on February 23, 2022, Shreveport was ranked as the 25th deadliest city in America, per 100,000 people. Shreveport’s murder rate according to this research was 18.66 per 100,000 while Chicago was lower than Shreveport's at 18.26 per 100,000. This research was representing 2019. Another article posted by the Bossier Press-Tribune on November 22, 2021, showed research that Shreveport was the 17th most violent city in the United States in 2020. Then we all know that in 2021 Shreveport set a record of 91 murders and in 2022 we are already at 35 murders. We have come to the place where violent crime is on the rise in every portion of our city. No one is immune from these crimes.

On the campaign trail, crime has been my top priority. I have discovered it has also been the top priority of all those that have attended our town halls. With our fourth upcoming town hall, we have begun to lay out specific action items that citizens of Shreveport have approved of. Our campaign has always been about us creating a plan together, that whoever is elected will be held accountable to. There can be solutions that work. I would like to lay out three solutions that would not only address the crime situation in our city but also the hopelessness that many feel.

Mario Chavez
Mario Chavez

Solution #1: A Crime Summit

In the first week of being in office, I am going to extend an invitation to a representative from each of the following offices: Shreveport Police Department, Caddo District Attorney, Caddo Sheriff’s, Caddo Public Schools, Shreveport City Council, Caddo Commission, and Crime Stoppers. My prayer is that the top leader in each of these offices will attend. We will hold monthly summits where we discuss working together, increased communication, and recommendations to not only bring down the murder rates spoken of earlier but all crime in our city. We will walk away with tangible objectives. Monthly, after those meetings, my office will hold a press conference to report on discussions and what we are working on as next steps. We must come together to solve our crime issue. These solutions cannot be a one department problem; compromise and working together must be accomplished. These summits will be only the beginning of creating solutions.

Solution #2: A Training Ground

I have talked to many in the Shreveport Police Department and asked what do you need? Suggestions have been more people, better equipment, and most have suggested increased knowledge and more resources on hand. Our officers run into danger every day while we are running from it, their pay must represent that sacrifice. SPD must become the training center for best practices in policing and increasing the knowledge and preparedness of our officers. Like any profession, our officers need real street professional development. Our investigations need to become airtight for those prosecuting and the prosecuting must be done. Our officers need to be exposed to best practices around the world and begin feeling valued and confident to implement those best practices. Let me be clear, progress is being made, however, we have much to learn and a long way to go. I want Shreveport Police and Fire Departments to have the best of the best. That starts with learning and utilizing best practices that many are using around the world.

Solution #3:  A Partnership

Shreveport is full of amazing nonprofits that work hard to serve our city. We are already working to bring those nonprofits together. This will offer more assistance for youth and families. We must get into the communities, clean them up, bring pride back, and give hope. In conjunction with multiple government agencies, bringing these nonprofits together with one purpose will be key. Neighborhood clean-up drives, block parties, food truck drives, backpack drives, parenting resources, and others are all ideas that have been suggested. I have met so many amazing people on the trail and I believe people want to and are willing to help, most just don’t know how. That is our job, bring them all together and watch as TOGETHER we transform Shreveport.

In closing, these solutions do not offer an overnight fix, however, they set us on a path to success. Shreveport does not want to return to where we were, we want to be better than we have ever been. Old ideas won’t work, we need fresh, out-of-the-box ideas and leadership. We can no longer remain the status quo. Shreveport is crying for a change and screaming for help. We can be that change together. Together Shreveport we can make a difference. No one person can be the savior or rescue Shreveport but the people I have met on the campaign trail can make Shreveport what we desire her to be.

Together Shreveport Wins!

I would like to personally invite you to our 4th Townhall on July 19, at 6:00 p.m. It will take place at Kingdom of God Ministries, 1600 Peabody Street. Come and join us as we talk about these solutions and others.

Commissioner Mario Chavez is currently a candidate for Shreveport mayor.

This article originally appeared on Shreveport Times: Commissioner Mario Chavez: A plan to address Shreveport crime