Communities of color: What would an ideal version of public safety look like to you? Tell us what would keep your community safe.

  • The police killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and other Black people have galvanized calls for police reform. But so far, there's been little progress.

  • We want to hear from people of color: What do you need to feel safe within your community?

  • Answer this question in our survey below for an upcoming story.

  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

For years, activists have been calling for police reform, with many arguing there's a pressing need for a complete overhaul to the public safety system. Calls for reform heightened particularly after the police killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and other Black people.

It's become so commonplace to talk about police reform that today, it might be a topic of conversation at the dinner table.

But despite efforts to advance reform from lawmakers and activists, there's been little change so far.

Insider is asking people from communities of color to tell us what they think is the best way to keep their communities safe: What would an ideal version of public safety look like to you?

Answer this question in our survey for an upcoming story. If there are any questions about this story, please email Yelena Dzhanova at We've tried to anticipate some of your questions here:

Who is reading my response?

Insider reporters and editors will be reading through your responses and reaching out for an additional interview for this story.

What type of response are you looking for?

We're not looking for any particular response, but we are looking for thoughtful answers. That can include anything from strengthening the scope of what police can do to eradicating police all together - and anything in between. Be as specific as possible. Insider might contact you for further conversation.

Will my response be featured without my knowledge?

Insider will not publish your response without your consent. If we want to feature your response, we will reach out for permission first.

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