This company turns money-sucking lawns into natural wonders: ‘The results are always stunning’

Traditional grass lawns cost a ton of money to maintain each year, only for them to turn brown with the slightest hint of inclement weather.

That’s not to mention the sky-high water bills that always-thirsty turf can incur, and the plethora of costly and toxic pesticides it takes to keep grass green.

When you take it all into account, it seems that lawns can be more of a headache than they’re worth, huh?

Yardzen, the world’s largest outdoor design and build company, is showing us that money might actually grow on trees with its American Rewilding Project, through which it creates gorgeous natural outdoor spaces that can save customers money, time, effort, and frustration when it comes to yard maintenance.

Yardzen’s American Rewilding Project has already planted over 100,000 pollinator-friendly plants, more than 50,000 trees, and over 25,000 edible plants across the U.S., conserving more than 1.1 million gallons of water in the process, according to Yardzen’s 2022 trend report.

And now, the company wants to help you reap the beauty and benefits of a rewilded yard.

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Yardzen custom rewilded yard
Photo Credit: Yardzen

What is rewilding?

Simply put, rewilding is the restoration of native plant species in man-made areas through various methods, like reforesting abandoned land and releasing critical fish species into man-made lakes.

To the more traditional among us, please rest assured that rewilding does not mean you have to rip up all your grass and start fresh, although that is always an option.

The rewilding method that Yardzen uses most commonly: strategically planting more native and climate-adapted plant species throughout your yard. The company can also shrink the amount of traditional turf grass in a yard with gravel gardens and sustainable decking, and can use natural boulders and rocks as environmentally friendly accents.

Rewilding can be as simple as adding some pollinator-friendly potted plants to your front porch or adding garden beds to your backyard.

It can also be as big as replacing all your traditional turf-grass lawns with native grasses and plants. But the results are always stunning.

Not only does rewilding add some major curb appeal to your yard, it also benefits the planet.

Traditional turf lawns provide little-to-no habitat for pollinators and other animals and plants that make up a healthy, diverse ecosystem.

Using native plant species in your landscaping supports pollinator populations, which helps to keep plants — including the plants we rely on for food — thriving and reproducing. Learn more about designing your own custom rewilded yard here.

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