Complete 3D Titanic wreckage footage reveals shocking details, including a megalodon tooth necklace

A megalodon tooth necklace is pictured in this video screenshot of the Titanic, captured by Magellan, a deep-sea recovery group, that has compiled more than 700,000 images of the sunken ship to create 3D imagery.
A megalodon tooth necklace is pictured in this video screenshot of the Titanic, captured by Magellan, a deep-sea recovery group, that has compiled more than 700,000 images of the sunken ship to create 3D imagery. | Magellan

Earlier this year, never-before-seen footage of the shipwreck of the Titanic was released just before the shipwreck’s 111th anniversary. Now, with deep-sea mapping, a digital 3D replica gives amazing detail that would otherwise be difficult to make out under nearly 4,000 meters of murky water.

Magellan, a deep-sea recovery group exploring the wreckage, has compiled more than 700,000 images to create a complete 3D view in detail, which researchers hope will “shed new light on exactly what happened to the liner,” per Magellan.

“We really don’t understand the character of the collision with the iceberg,” Parks Stephenson, who has studied the Titanic, told the BBC. “We don’t even know if she hit it along the starboard side, as is shown in all the movies — she might have grounded on the iceberg.”

The “Digital Twin,” as Magellan and filmmakers from Atlantic Productions dubbed it, is already bringing more details to light on the wreckage, such as the fact that the Titanic’s bow and stern are split apart and located within a three-square-mile radius from each other, reported CNN.

Each part of the ship is shown in videos that the researchers released in May. While the bow of the ship is mostly intact, the stern wasn’t quite so lucky and can be seen as a tangle of metal and debris.

Gerhard Seiffert, the planning lead for the expedition, told BBC that the crew had to map “every square centimeter — even uninteresting parts” in order to “fill in between all these interesting objects.”

Other shocking details captured include a serial number on the propeller and a gold megalodon tooth necklace found among the wreckage, reported BBC. Unopened champagne bottles, ornate metalwork and statues from the ship sit on the sea floor.

Other more personal items, like shoes and clothing, are also scattered in the debris field.

The details are making it more real that the shipwreck is a gravesite for more than 1,500 passengers, per CNN. Researchers stress that everything is treated with the “utmost of respect.”
