'A complete act of betrayal': CAIR-Ohio considers legal action after director fired

Romin Iqbal, former head of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
Romin Iqbal, former head of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

A local Muslim advocacy group is considering legal action after it found out that its now-former executive director was feeding confidential information to an anti-Muslim group over the past several years.

The Council on American Islamic Relations Columbus and Cincinnati chapter (CAIR-Ohio) fired Romin Iqbal, its executive director since 2018, on Tuesday after an investigation by CAIR national headquarters found that he had been sharing confidential meeting recordings and emails with the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT), a Washington D.C.-based anti-Muslim group.

Who is Romin Iqbal?: Former head of CAIR-Ohio was working with an anti-Muslim group

Whitney Siddiqi, community affairs director for CAIR-Ohio, said Iqbal's actions were "a complete act of betrayal," but that the organization remains resolute in its work and undeterred.

Iqbal, of Dublin, referred requests for comment to his attorney Wednesday morning.

His attorney, David H. Thomas, a partner at Taft Law's Compliance, Investigations and White Collar Defense practice group based in Downtown Columbus, said he has no comment on the allegations against his client.

Iqbal confessed, CAIR-Ohio says

Iqbal, who has been outspoken against Islamophobia during his time with CAIR-Ohio, confessed to secretly working with IPT after he was confronted with evidence, according to the organization’s news release.

CAIR-Ohio isn't sure what Iqbal's motive may have been, but said his efforts were carried out in a “planned and purposeful” manner over the course of years.

More on CAIR-Ohio scandal: Romin Iqbal, of CAIR-Ohio, fired for allegedly leaking information to anti-Muslim group

Columbus office staff members also found a package with AR-15 weapon materials on Monday in its office and then discovered that they had been purchased using a CAIR credit card that only Iqbal had had access to and that he administered, Siddiqi said. She said they cannot confirm who purchased the weapon parts, though.

CAIR-Ohio reported the leaks, purchase and presence of the weapon parts to the FBI and the Hilliard Division of Police, as the Columbus office where Iqbal worked since 2006 is in Hilliard.

CAIR’s work includes monitoring and combatting anti-Muslim groups and advocating for Muslim people's rights, said Nihad Awad, the group's national executive director, in a release late Tuesday night.

"We want the community to know that our work transcends any one individual," Siddiqi said. "We know it's heartbreaking, we know it's shocking, we know it is honestly a feeling that many of us can't describe right now. ... If anything, this has motivated us, this has reinvigorated us to do the work we do. ....We are moving forward with this renewed commitment."

The investigation, completed on the national level last month, found that no other CAIR employees were working with Iqbal to share the information.

Whitney Siddiqi, with CAIR-Ohio, talks about the firing of its executive director.
Whitney Siddiqi, with CAIR-Ohio, talks about the firing of its executive director.

There is no evidence to point to anyone's personal information being shared, Siddiqi said, and the group publicly shared information about finding parts to an AR-15 shipped to its office out of "an abundance of caution." The organization has secured its building and recommends other area Muslim organizations check their security protocols and remain vigilant, too.

"We do not have evidence that there is any type of direct threat on our community," Siddiqi said.

Reporting to authorities

Amina Barhumi, the acting executive director of CAIR-Ohio, filed a police report with the Hilliard Division of Police late Monday night.

The report states that she was told to report Iqbal's conduct to the local authorities after reporting it to the FBI. It also says that the situation "spooked" the employees and Barhumi told police she was concerned Iqbal was "gearing up for some sort of retaliation attack against CAIR."

What is CAIR-Ohio?: More on the Muslim advocacy organization whose executive director was working with anti-Muslims

Barhumi told the police that Iqbal had not made any threats and has not communicated in any threatening way with anyone in the business.

According to the police report, Barhumi said that Iqbal is smart, a pillar to the Muslim community but also "very manipulative."

Todd Lindgren, an FBI spokesman, said the agency could not confirm or deny its involvement in any investigation.

Amina Barhumi, now acting executive director of the Ohio chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
Amina Barhumi, now acting executive director of the Ohio chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Generally speaking, Lindgren said the FBI does not investigate groups that might engage in what would be called hate speech, as that would raise issues related to the First Amendment and protected speech.

Lindgren said charges that are commonly seen for providing support to terrorism groups involve international organizations such as ISIS or Al-Qaeda, not domestic groups.

"There would have to be some nexus there about some action that is illegal for the FBI to be involved," Lindgren said, such as threatening violence.

The Investigative Project on Terrorism

The organization Iqbal was sending the confidential information to, the Investigative Project on Terrorism, bills itself as a nonprofit research group with a mission to "expose the activities of terrorist networks and supporters in the U.S. and abroad and to educate the public about this threat."

IPT's D.C. office sent out a news release, which reads in part:

CAIR "does not represent the views of mainstream American Muslims. While the Investigative Project on Terrorism has never and will never monitor the wider American Muslim community, it will not hesitate to uncover and publicly expose radical Islamist activity on American soil by groups like CAIR, which threaten our national security.”

An explainer: What we know about the firing of the CAIR-Ohio director

The organization was founded in 1995 by Steve Emerson, a former journalist and a "leading authorities on Islamic extremist networks, financing and operations as well national security and intelligence," according to IPT's website.

Local leaders in the Muslim community, however, say IPT is an anti-Islamic hate group.

"This is a hate group for Muslims. It is dangerous," Siddiqi said. "We know that Islamophobia has been on the rise over the past two decades and when you are spreading hate against Muslims it is not simply something you're just posting or saying to someone. That has a direct impact on our lives."

IPT earned $2.2 million in revenue in 2018, according to 990 forms filed with the IRS.

Headlines on its website mention, and criticize, CAIR.

According to the Islamophobia Network –– a project of the Center for American Progress that tracks anti-Islamic groups and donors –– IPT uses "unsubstantiated threats that portray Muslims as dangerous to accrue funding" and that Emerson has a reputation "for fabricating evidence to substantiate his ravings about Muslim extremism."

Siddiqi said Emerson "is known for spreading hate, vitriol and anti-Muslim rhetoric." He has said dangerous things against CAIR specifically, she said, including calling the organization a terrorist organization.

"That alone is really disturbing," Siddiqi said. "It's obviously false, it is dangerous in general, for all Muslims, for all Muslim Americans. CAIR is a well-trusted community advocacy and rights organization that many, many Muslims rely on."

Siddiqi said it's hard for the staff to understand what Iqbal did, but that the group is even more determined to carry on with their work in the wake of his actions.

"Our relationship with the community, it will only be stronger and more productive after this," she said. "We are going to grow from this and we look forward to what's coming in the future."

Dispatch Reporters Bethany Bruner and Sheridan Hendrix contributed to this article.



This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: CAIR Columbus chapter: Work continues despite actions of Romin Iqbal