Concerning message on social media leads to increased patrols at Tates Creek High

Extra police patrols were sent to Lexington’s Tates Creek High School Thursday following a message on the social media platform Instagram that said the school “would be filled with blood,” officials said.

No student was ever in harm’s way, said district spokesperson Dia Davidson-Smith.

“Out of an abundance of caution, we decided to have extra patrols,” Davidson-Smith said.

The message was deleted, the user blocked and the incident reported to Instagram, she said.

“The comment was quickly reported and deleted, however, a snapshot of the post began circulating among students on Snapchat, “ principal Kathy Field told families in a letter.

“Our school leaders, working alongside the Fayette County Public Schools Police Department, immediately began investigating the post and have determined that there is not a credible threat against our school or students,” said Field.

No other details were immediately available about the incident.