Congressional Republicans don't seem interested in immigration reform | Letters

Congress not interested in immigration reform

Conservative punditry about the current immigration problem always says how badly the Biden administration is handling it. There's only one problem with that thinking: Congress determines immigration policy, not the executive branch. When George W. Bush was in office, his administration pushed to amend immigration policy, and he had a Republican majority in the House and Senate. What did they do? Nothing. Next up, the Trump administration, where again conservatives had the majority of both branches. What was accomplished? Nothing. Immigration issues are not a new problem. However those complaining the most about it did nothing when they had the chance.

Mike Hundley, West Palm Beach

Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas called on Congress to pass immigration reform during a visit to the southern border. Congress doesn't seem interested.
Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas called on Congress to pass immigration reform during a visit to the southern border. Congress doesn't seem interested.

More: Archbishop: Enforcement alone is no humane approach to border chaos | Opinion

Trump's Iowa win hardly a 'blowout'

We need to be a little more circumspect as we react to the media hype on Trump’s caucus win in Iowa. According to the Iowa voter records, there are 2.1 million registered voters of which approximately 715,000 are Republicans. Approximately 112,000 voted in the caucus and Trump evidently took most. So, put this into perspective: Only 15% of the eligible Republicans attended the caucus, which was lower than the last election, and Trump’s 51% “blowout win” consisted of only 57,120 votes – or 8% of the registered Republicans. The media rushed to sensationalize an already raw political tension. Yes, Trump won the Iowa caucus, but this was no “blowout.”

Shan Sacranie, West Palm Beach

No justice, no peace applies to Hamas

Palestinians fighting in hard-hit Gaza is totally misleading. Let’s differentiate between the Palestinians and Hamas. It is the Hamas terrorists that are fighting in Gaza. The reason Gaza is being destroyed is because Hamas used the territory to build tunnels and store weapons. Hamas trespassed  under schools, hospitals, apartment buildings, and parks . Hamas turned the Gaza into their armory. Hamas turned the Palestinian people into shields and treats them as disposable population. The terrorists that committed the unspeakable crimes against innocent Israeli’s must be brought to justice. There is only thing that stands in the way of preserving Palestinian and Israeli life’s that is Hamas’s surrender.

Judith Wyckoff, Palm Beach Gardens

Book ban even ensnares Bill O'Reilly

Everyone please take out your violins and play a symphony for poor Bill O'Reilly. He got caught up in the Florida removal of books from libraries. His Killing Jesus: A History" and "Killing Reagan: The Violent Assault That Changed a Presidency" have been removed from the Escambia Country school district and await a review of content. O'Reilly should consider it a compliment as he is now in the company of "The Diary of Anne Frank." He was all for the removal of books due to their potential "sexual content or themes." But, now that his tomes have been targeted, "they" have gone too far. I would advise him to to look up the word "hypocrite" in the dictionary. Alas, those, too, have been removed because they contain the word "penis." You cannot make this stuff up.

Judi Stern Levine, Lake Worth

This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Post: House Republicans talk up "the border," but ignore immigration reform.