Connecting with volunteers: Marketing to mini-Millennials

A water feature with a water wheel created by the city of Wichita Falls located off Lawrence Road.
A water feature with a water wheel created by the city of Wichita Falls located off Lawrence Road.

Just as a flywheel smooths the firing of individual engine cylinders, a water wheel provides smooth constant power from a bubbling stream. Similarly, nonprofits need a constant flow of volunteers for mission success.

Attracting volunteers is an ongoing task to assure your nonprofit has necessary labor, funding and awareness.  Flywheel marketing is a system of small encounters that in summation increase the performance of a business or nonprofit. There are three ongoing marketing activities to keep your marketing flywheel performing – Attraction, Engagement, and Retention. The name flywheel implies the continual actions to attract volunteers with satisfactory experiences that encourage repetitive engagements.

Where do you look for volunteers? How can you best relate the impact of your mission to the desires of your target volunteers? Understanding the differences in generations is a popular segmentation for analysis.

Studies show the newest Gen Alphas, born from 2010 through 2025, will have the largest economic spending power of any generation, even greater than the Baby Boomers. But, at most, Gen Alphas are barely teenagers, children of Millennials. Why is Gen Alpha a target audience? Googling Gen Alpha, a reference source is

Key takeaways, Gen Alpha are the most materially endowed generation ever. They will stay in education longer and start earning years later. Influenced by Millennial parents, they live at home longer than prior generations. Just as Millennials indulge themselves as rewards for life success, Gen Alphas receive mini versions – e.g., matching outfits?

What influences can be used to reach Millennial parents? Mini-Millennials have grown up digital as Instagram and iPad launched in 2010. Obviously, Gen Alphas are the COVID generation, going online, connecting globally and wielding influence. Gen Alphas behavioral pendulum is swinging back to social pragmatism like their boomer grandparents.

To the extent your mission connects with education, consider calling Gen Alphas to serve. They will need the volunteerism experiences for their college applications. Millennial parents have strong influence for their Gen Alpha child’s experiences.

Target stories from the heart showing your nonprofit serving others. Make your story lifelike, real, and vivid by appealing to all five senses. Every word should count. Streaming is the media of choice.

And like any marketing initiative, sustaining the messaging is more important than the message. Else who hears you? You’re just another babbling stream.


Free Ukraine

Service Above Self,

Mr B

This article originally appeared on Wichita Falls Times Record News: Connecting with volunteers: Marketing to mini-Millennials