Conservative Christian Republicans are “pro-life” hypocrites | Letters to the editor

Pro-life, until life actually happens

Nebraska judge allows abortion limits and restrictions on gender-affirming surgery,” (, Aug. 12)

I note with both amusement and disgust that recent data from the University of Texas shows that most of the states moving to ban or restrict abortion access ranked near the bottom of the U.S. in percentage of pregnant women with health care insurance. Texas ranks dead last followed in order by Oklahoma, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana and Missouri.

Twelve of the bottom 16 are states banning abortion. Those same states include 12 of the bottom 14 that already have the worst infant mortality rates; 10 that rank in the bottom 14 for low birth weight; and 14 that rank in the bottom 16 for percentage of children born in poverty. In addition, nine of these states have turned down federal dollars to extend postpartum care for 12 months. They refused these dollars because they were part of Obamacare.

These states are forcing women to bring children into the world who will face many challenges because of these statistics. The facts are clear: Conservative Christian Republicans will die on the cross to bring a child into this world and they don’t give a crap about mom and baby afterward.

Gregory Rogers


Not faith, but fascism

“Faith-based story time in Salida responds to ‘woke agenda’” (, Aug. 7)

Describing these books as “faith based” is an insult to anyone who strives to love thy neighbor. Bigotry and hatred cloaked as “religious freedom” is still bigotry and hatred. These people have placed their “faith” in a corrupt, criminal con man. Their so-called values are white nationalism.

Larry Bolton



Bring back democracy

Americans are widely pessimistic about democracy,” (, July 15)

We were never given the right to vote in the original Constitution, only the privilege to vote. So aside from continually choosing the lesser of two evils on election day, why not do something that will make a difference? Individually, we are but grains of sand. Together, we are a beach that may slow the waves of corruption, greed and dishonesty.

Everything that directly affects our lives is now mandated by those in power. On those extremely rare occasions when important issues are decided by popular vote, those issues are usually struck down by a county, state or federal court after years of litigation on both sides of the table paid for by your tax dollars. It’s ironic — no taxation without representation.

So what can we do to make a difference? Stay informed. Act when you see wrong. Stand up when they say sit down. Words don’t work when no one is listening. Use the sound of your two hands to applaud their attempts at deceit and continue applauding until the deceit is exposed.

Rick Kimble


Kudos to Biden

Biden heads west for a policy victory lap, drawing an implicit contrast with Trump,” (, Aug. 10)

This month marks the one-year anniversary of President Joe Biden signing into law the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The Biden Administration has made historic investments in accelerating a clean energy future, lowering everyday healthcare costs, creating good paying American jobs, making sure that big corporations pay their fair share and helping Americans keep money in their pockets. Delivering what our families need to thrive!

This huge achievement deserves celebration. The IRA has capped monthly insulin costs at $35 for anyone who gets their insulin through Medicare. And the IRA is inspiring private companies to cap their monthly insulin costs at $35 a month also, lowering everyday healthcare costs for millions of Americans — which is amazing, given that Big Pharma is known for prioritizing profits over people.

Our votes matter. Throughout our history we’ve managed to solve problems and move our nation forward. We need to celebrate the incredible impact of an active and inclusive government that is changing the future for generations of Americans to come.

Colleen Norby


Climate change on steroids

Young environmentalists won a landmark climate change ruling in Montana. Will it change anything?” (, Aug. 16)

When you think of climate change, think of the Ice Age. No, not the movie, the actual event. There have been five major ice ages in the last three billion years. So no, humans didn’t cause climate change; we just made it far worse than it would have been without our help.

Oil is a byproduct of death and poisonous to living creatures. Humans figured we could make money off of this poison, so we dug down and pulled it up. We refined it, sent it through the fires of hell, and turned this buried poison into exhaust, throwing it up into the air for all to enjoy.

Humans didn’t cause climate change, we just injected it with steroids, threw it on a treadmill and turned up the speed.

Tim De Lorimier


The giving season

Think this winter is wet in Modesto area? Here are some past events that may make you think twice,” (, Jan. 14)

It sure is going to be a cold winter this year, and local charities are asking folks to look in their closets for usable coats and jackets that can be donated to help keep low-income people warm. I encourage those who can donate items or cash to give to local charities. Local nonprofits like Second Harvest Food Bank, the Salvation Army, Modesto Gospel Mission and Church in the Park all have websites where you may donate.

Food insecurity is common among our low-income communities, specifically lower-income elderly folks. Any bit you can contribute is wanted and appreciated. Donations made here stay here to benefit friends and neighbors.

Daniel Marsh
