Conservatives are fed up! Here's a list of the reasons why: Letters

Conservatives are fed up! Here's a list of the reasons why

July 28 — To the Editor:

Conservatives are fed up!

Fed up with false claims of Republicans supporting white supremacists.

Fed up with being called racists.

Fed up with the corrupt FBI, CIA, US Attorney, and NSA as well as their socialist agenda.

Fed up with a one-sided judicial system.

Fed up with attacks on fossil fuel and rising inflation.

Fed up with Biden enriching China.

Fed up with an open southern border, human trafficking, fentanyl killing hundreds of thousands of Americans, individuals on the terrorist watch list entering this county, and the enrichment of cartels.

Fed up with liberals re-writing history and CRT.

Fed up with the liberal media, Twitter, and Facebook blocking conservative speech and the truth about the Biden family and NOT apologizing for the Russia Hoax.

Fed up with mask and vax mandates, the WHO, the NIA and Fauci.

Fed up with rising crime across the country and failure to pass meaningful legislation and enforce that legislation to curb gun violence.

Fed up with elites in DC enriching themselves at the expense of Americans.

Fed up with the partisan Jan 6th Committee.

Fed up with the person who claimed he would govern as a moderate uniter.

Fed up with Democrat attempts to gaslight the American people.

Cheryl Russell


Seacoast Rep has taken its performances to a whole new level

July 25 — To the Editor:

Last Saturday, my husband Larry and I took in "Anything Goes" at Seacoast Rep. It was probably the best musical we have ever seen anywhere. We already knew we loved the Cole Porter music, but the quality of the singing, the dancing, the costumes, the acting at a small venue in seacoast New Hampshire simply amazed us. I am one who remembers when Seacoast Rep was Theater by the Sea on Ceres Street next to the Blue Strawberry Restaurant. I loved it then also, but what that theater has evolved into is truly spectacular. Portsmouth is so fortunate to have this gem.

Marcia Gillis


New hotels, condos and apartments OK'd in Portsmouth are out of control

July 26 — To the Editor:

I do not think I am alone concerned that the continuous new building or expansion of hotels, condos, apartments, etc., being approved by our city is out of control.

Our city ordinances need to be updated to limit this building and give our boards and city officials legal guidelines.

Every week it seems more building is planned for expansion or development.

The effects are concerning. Our water supply will soon be if it is not already in danger. Planning for droughts similar to events happening now around the world are key for our families' future.

Are we planning for school, police, fire, health and public works issues that are already over burdened?

Losing our green space affects air quality. Tar pavement makes a hot summer hotter.

We are constantly Losing trees and foliage replacing few. Portsmouth was once called the tree city!

We have reports of less electricity available and costs escalating. Air conditioner needs are growing with temperatures steadily rising. Many can’t afford them period.

We keep adding parking for more and more incoming traffic.

Are strict ordinances already in place or needed?

Portsmouth is getting closer to becoming another Boston.

I love Portsmouth and I'm hoping to keep what Portsmouth we have left. Please let’s preserve it as best we can. Many thankfully have tried and succeeded.

Richard Smith


U.S. Rep. Chris Pappas has been very helpful to my small restaurant

July 26 — To the Editor:

My name is Jonathan Kiper and I own a small restaurant in Newmarket called Jonny Boston’s International. For the duration of the pandemic our congressional representative, Chris Pappas, has been extremely supportive of my business. He has voted in favor of legislation that saved my business. At the beginning of the pandemic he met with me one-on-one to reassure me that congress was working to help small businesses like mine. Later I met with him two more times for “business round tables” involving restaurant owners from the Seacoast area.

Rep. Pappas listened to us and understood the struggles of running an independent restaurant because of his experience with his family's restaurant. Rep. Pappas assured us that the Restaurant Revitalization Fund would pass congress and it did, giving restaurants the funds that kept us going.

Given New Hampshire's reliance on the rooms and meals tax and the tens of thousands of Granite Staters who rely on restaurants for a paycheck, widespread restaurant closures would have been traumatic for New Hampshire.

Chris Pappas knows small business and he knows New Hampshire. Vote Chris Pappas this November.

Jonathan Kiper


Newmarket rent hikes driving out UNH students, faculty and staff

Jan. 27 — To the Editor:

Yesterday’s Portsmouth Herald had a front page article about a rent spike happening in a mobile home park in New York. This prompted me to ask for a front page article about rent spike in nearby Newmarket where one landlord has bought several apartment buildings recently and has doubled or tripled the rent.

Newmarket has been a good and affordable place to live for many years for UNH students, faculty and staff. Due to the sudden increases in rent many tenants are having to move away right at the beginning of a new academic year. I think the Portsmouth Herald should look into this new landlord who is causing so much difficulty for so many people.

Donna Melillo


Editor's note: We are looking into it.

Will GOP councilors voting down family planning funds adopt unplanned children?

July 28 — To the Editor:

So exactly what is the point of New Hampshire Republicans voting down money for healthcare for the poorest citizens of their state? Afraid they will be tainted by abortion? Even their Republican governor supports this funding! I bet these same Republicans are lining up to adopt the unwanted children who will be here soon. Nice job.

Georgia Bennett

York, Maine

This article originally appeared on Portsmouth Herald: Conservatives are fed up! Here's a list of the reasons why: Letters