Consult with your doctor if medicines in those TV advertisements are right for you

Qing Yang and Kevin Parker
Qing Yang and Kevin Parker

If you watch TV, you know it’s saturated with commercials about drugs that can treat everything from heartburn to constipation, incontinence, erectile dysfunction, depression and obesity. It seems like pharmaceutical advertisements are everywhere – because they are: on the radio, in magazines and newspapers, all over the internet, especially in your social media feeds, and even the waiting rooms of doctor’s offices. You just can’t avoid the face on fire (Absorica) or the clunky metal pipe woman (Vesicare).

Direct-to-consumer advertising of pharmaceuticals, particularly prescription drugs, is a quintessential American phenomenon; in fact, the only other place where it’s legal is New Zealand. Most countries prohibit the practice except for two categories: 1) over-the-counter drugs that treat minor ailments like a cold or congestion, and 2) informational messages to raise disease awareness that don’t mention any drug names.

In addition to concerns about biased and misleading information that could cause patient harm, at the core of these regulations is that decisions about prescription medications should be left up to the medical professionals, not in the hands of consumers. On the other hand, proponents say the advertisements help increase awareness, reduce stigma, and empower patients to be proactive about seeking help.

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Ultimately direct-to-consumer advertising flourishes in America because it’s highly effective. After seeing a TV ad, 22% of patients request the prescription from their providers. The conversion rate is even higher at 42% for digital ads that are more targeted. Last year, the pharmaceutical industry spent $6 billion on DTC campaigns, including buying more than half a million TV spots. For every $1,000 spent, a drug gains 29 new patients and recuperates the cost four times over in sales revenue. The heavily marketed drugs tend to be the expensive biologics. Humira (adalimumab), which treats autoimmune disorders like psoriasis and Crohn’s disease, is the top spender in advertising and the best-selling drug at the same time. In 2019, it spent $577 million on ads and collected $20 billion in revenue.

Most health care providers view DTC advertising negatively. The ads don’t contain pertinent information such as price or alternative therapy. The campaigns “medicalize” natural variations in how our body functions (e.g. low testosterone) and normal life events (e.g. menopause). Talking about drugs seen on TV that may not be relevant to the patient’s care also takes up valuable appointment time. Lastly, tension and distrust can develop in the provider-patient relationship if the provider doesn’t comply with the patient’s request for the advertised drug.

As responsible health care consumers, how should we approach these pervasive drug ads? We think the key is to stay objective and examine the information with a critical lens.

Remember that the main purpose of advertisement is to sell products, not to educate or heal. Ads are designed to manipulate the viewer’s psychology to maximize the chance of purchase. Happiness, amusement, relief, surprise, and curiosity are examples of positive emotions the ads often try to elicit because they’re highly correlated with buying behavior, so be mindful of how you feel when you see a drug ad.

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Gather basic facts about the ad. What drug is advertised and what disease does it treat? Do you have this disease? Are you self-diagnosing? Decide if the ad is relevant to you.

Take note of the effectiveness claims presented in the ad. Beware of unquantified wording like, “for some, one pill provides a full day of relief” and “most side effects are mild,” and anecdotal statements like “this drug gave me my life back.”

Drug ads can be an opportunity to alert you to new therapies coming onto the market, but it’s important to evaluate the information yourself. Check out the drug on a neutral source such as or Don't limit your research to just the drug itself; learn about the condition and explore other available treatment options.

If you’re still intrigued to know more, then by all means, talk to your doctor about the drug. Let them explain to you the data behind what you heard in the ad. Ask if they’ve had any experience with the drug. Keep an open mind they may recommend something else for you or nothing at all.

Qing Yang and Kevin Parker are a married couple and live in Springfield. Dr. Yang received her medical degree from Yale University School of Medicine and completed residency training at Massachusetts General Hospital. She is an anesthesiologist at HSHS Medical Group. Parker has helped formulate and administer public policy at various city and state governments around the country. He is formerly the group chief information officer for education with the Illinois Department of Innovation and Technology. This column is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The opinions are those of the writers and do not represent the views of their employers.

This article originally appeared on State Journal-Register: Ask your doctor if the drugs in those advertisements are right for you