Cool Pandas trash cleanup crew improves Broomfield one piece at a time

May 11—A group of fifth graders from Coyote Ridge, nicknamed the Cool Pandas, have been cleaning up parks all around Broomfield.

"We only have one planet, so littering cannot happen. ... If we keep littering we're going to be living in trash, so we decided we wanted to help teach people that recycling and litter prevention is a big issue," said Hailey Mahowald, one of the kids part of the trash cleanup crew.

The Cool Pandas are part of their schools' gifted and talented program, the Imagineers. The program is designed to offer extra enrichment and support opportunities for gifted students, including the six fifth-grade students who make up the Cool Pandas.

Melissa Murphy is the adult in charge of the group, but she explained that the kids are really taking ownership of the project, including taking time after school and on weekends to clean up parks. The group has tackled 17 cleanup projects around the city, picking up trash and recycling around the area.

The project began when the group was put together as part of the Imagineers, and after a meeting with Broomfield Mayor Guyleen Castriotta, they decided to clean up litter in their community. Since then, the group has not only been tackling trash, but also a unique competition called Destination Imagination.

Destination Imagination is a competition based on unique challenges surrounding science, technology, engineering, arts and math. The Cool Pandas have already placed second at the state and regional competitions, and are now raising funds to travel for the global competition later this month in Kansas City.

"It's really new and surprising for me, it's crazy that we're now going to globals after regional and state," said Scarlett Gloudeman, one of the Cool Pandas.

But for Scarlett and the rest of her team, it's about more than just the competition.

"I just want to make the world a better place so it can be cleaner in the future," Scarlett said.

The rest of the team shares a similar sentiment, including Eden Shelley.

"It helps the Earth in a positive way. ... I just think it's amazing that you can clean up and help the Earth," Eden said.

Madison Kroupa also shares a love for the Earth and a desire to make the world a better place.

"Some parts of this world are really dirty ... and I think it's really helpful to clean up. You just have to find a little time to go help clean it," Madison said.

The Cool Pandas have been working together to find time to help clean, and for some of them, it's been a nice break from the monotony of schoolwork.

"School is kind of boring, but parts like this are really fun," Caleb Anderson said. Caleb explained that he's enjoying spending time with his teammates, and got inspired to help clean up Broomfield by his mom, who is passionate about sustainability and finding alternatives to single-use plastics.

Stella Vissers might not have been on board at first, but she quickly learned how much fun the Cool Pandas would be.

"When Hailey first suggested it I was like 'no thank you, I don't want to spend my weekends cleaning up trash,' but it actually has been pretty fun. It really makes me feel nice that I can help my community out and be someone that isn't just living their life and being really bored all the time," Stella said.

For all of the Cool Pandas, cleaning up trash around Broomfield has been a fun and fulfilling experience, one that gives them a sense of accomplishment and pride.

"I just hope if we keep cleaning things will get better when I'm an adult. I'm hoping for the best," Caleb said.

Community members can participate as well by requesting a park for cleanup by the Cool Pandas, or by donating to help them reach the global Destination Imagination competition via the Cool Pandas' Google form at