Coordinated effort needed to address local homelessness | Opinion

Kearney Center employees provide case management to a group of people sleeping across the street from the shelter as they work to move folks into non-congregate shelters Tuesday, April 14, 2020.
Kearney Center employees provide case management to a group of people sleeping across the street from the shelter as they work to move folks into non-congregate shelters Tuesday, April 14, 2020.

Homelessness is the state’s crux. Florida places the third in the nation in homelessness, after California and New York, claiming the first and the second spot respectively.

In the winter, it gets brutal for those who do not have shelter above their heads. The homeless live 20 years less than those with a home.

In Tallahassee, on almost every street, you will confront homeless people. Despite being the state's capital, Tallahassee does not deserve a special place for the homeless. In 2021, Mayor John Dailey termed it a "crisis".  The situation is, indeed, dire.

Of all the health-related social issues, homelessness tops the list.

The most harmful impact of it is, in addition to poor health outcomes, it also drives health costs. Homeless people often end up in emergency rooms, raising health care costs. Also, these are the sickest people that our health systems need to care for.

Of course, homelessness is not a choice but a fait accompli. So, what cures this most perennial problem in Florida?

Florida has an extensive social care network through both government and non-government services. A substantial portion of the homeless is among 4 million Florida Medicaid recipients. There are many government programs across state agencies to support this population. Often, these people are not even identified, as the process remains extremely challenging. Services are provided in silos.

So, an improved, coordinated tracking system through a statewide platform will help ease this problem. Interagency collaboration especially among the Agency for Healthcare Administration, the Department of Children and Families, the Department of Elder Affairs, the Department of Education, and the Department of Corrections can make a huge impact on addressing this problem. Unified tracking and provision of service can dramatically reduce homelessness.

We also need to look at the larger healthcare ecosystems that are integrally connected to the community, and faith-based organizations, which provide a range of critical social, emotional, behavioral, and mental services. The state, the healthcare systems, and the health plans must improve coordination with the community organizations which have the right resources and expertise to drive value in the fight against homelessness.

Of course, many nonprofit organizations are also actively contributing to help people with housing needs across Florida. The Kearney Center, Big Bend Coalition of Homelessness, and some other organizations are serving the chronically and temporarily homeless in Tallahassee and the Big Bend. It is no wonder that most of these organizations rely on donations and charities from the government and ordinary citizens. So, literally, how these organizations function also depends on partly the commitment of the private citizens to them.

The next few months will be harder for the homeless as they will fight off the harsh winter on the street day in and day out. We can give them a chance to live by extending our helping hands. We can do so by supporting these local nonprofits that are advocating for the homeless.

Let us donate to these organizations in kind or in cash. Let us not forget that the homeless also have dignity and their life is worthy. We can share the warmth of our homes with the homeless this winter by donating to their cause.

ABM Uddin
ABM Uddin

ABM Uddin serves as a healthcare consultant with the Agency for Health Care Administration. The opinion in this column does not necessarily reflect his employer’s view. 


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This article originally appeared on Tallahassee Democrat: Coordinated effort needed to address local homelessness | Opinion