How can I correct the wrong plate design on my car's registration? | Ask the DMV

Q: In a recent column, you discussed correcting plate designations for the upcoming plate reissuance program.

I just checked my registrations, and I have two vehicles with “sailboat” license plates, but both vehicle registrations say “wave.”

How can I correct this, or is this something you can do for me?

— Tom K.

A: Thanks for reading the column and checking your registration certificate to make sure your plate design is correct.

As I mentioned before, there was an issue with the sailboat plate design transferring over into our new computer system. Most, if not all, transferred over as the wave design. Little by little, we are changing them to be the correct design once we are notified. I have changed the plate design for you and new registration certificates with the correct design on are being mailed out to you.

I have also mentioned that it is important that we have the correct plate design on registration certificates because — during the reissuance project — only the blue wave plates will be replaced. All other plate designs (charity plates, veteran plates, antique plates, etc.) will not be issued the new “ocean” plate. The ocean plate will be replacing all passenger, commercial, trailer, motorcycle, public service, camper, suburban, jitney, radio operator, farm, taxi, racer tow and combination plates that have the blue wave.

It also important that we have your correct physical and mailing addresses on file. You can change your address online on our website ( in the "Online Services" area or by mailing in a change of address form. The change of address form can be downloaded from our website and should be mailed to the Cranston DMV, 600 New London Ave., Cranston, RI 02920.

Q: I have a disability placard that has seen better days, how do I go about getting a replacement?

— Robert L.

A: You need to fill out the “Affidavit For Lost Parking Placard.” The disability placard office uses this same form for damaged placards that need replacement. This form can be found on our website ( in the “Forms” tab and in the “Disability Forms” section.

If you do not have a computer or printer, please let me know and I’ll mail you this affidavit. Once completed, this affidavit can be mailed to the Cranston DMV (address is on top of the form). Once filled out, the form can be placed in a drop box at any DMV branch (drop box hours are the same as the branch hours), or it can be hand delivered to the Cranston DMV.

Rhode Island residents who have Disability Placard issues (application for new placard, placard renewals, lost or damaged placards) do not need a reservation at the Cranston DMV to receive assistance. Just inform the security guards at the door that you have a disability placard issue and they will let you in to see the supervisor, who will then contact that office to have a representative come out and assist you.

Chuck Hollis
Chuck Hollis

Chuck Hollis is assistant administrator of the Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles. Please email your questions to with “Ask the DMV” in the subject field.

This article originally appeared on The Providence Journal: Correcting the wrong plate design on registration | Ask the RI DMV