Corsicana ISD earns H-E-B Excellence in Education Award

May 6—Corsicana ISD was named Small District of the Year as H-E-B announced its prestigious Excellence in Education Awards Sunday, April 30 in San Antonio.

The district also received $50,000 from H-E-B, which has a store location in Corsicana and has been a generous partner with CISD for more than three decades.

H-E-B started the awards in 2002.

"For 13 years, I have watched our team grow in strength and commitment," said Dr. Diane Frost, who added the award has been a personal goal of hers during her tenure at CISD. "Our Board, administrators, teachers, peace officers, custodians, bus drivers, grounds crew ... we have a strong team. We believe in our students, and we help them to see their potential — especially when we are the only ones looking for it."

At La Cantera Spa & Resort, H-E-B also honored a large district winner, early childhood facility, school board, six teachers, and two principals.

A contingent of judges representing the H-E-B Excellence in Education program visited Corsicana in mid-January and toured several schools. They visited with students and teachers, interacted in classrooms and saw programs like the Penguin Project and CTE up close and personal, and enjoyed a gourmet meal provided by the Corsicana High School culinary students.

CISD was the first of the school district finalists to be visited.

"I want to express my since appreciation to the H-E-B Excellence in Education Award Program for highlighting the outstanding public educators and school board members who commit themselves to our students every day across the great state of Texas," Frost said