Could Your Laundry Room Be the Source of Your Allergies?

If you've ever experienced allergies, you know how frustrating they can be, especially if you're not sure what's causing them to begin with. While many allergy sufferers can trace their runny eyes and sniffles to outdoor irritants, sometimes the problem is inside your home. Despite being a haven for clean clothes and fresh scents, the laundry room might be the culprit if you're experiencing indoor allergies.

If symptoms like itchy eyes, coughing, wheezing, a stuffy nose, or an itchy rash start within an hour of doing laundry, you're likely dealing with some unwanted allergens. According to Dr. Purvi Parikh, an allergist with the Allergy & Asthma Network, dust mites, mold, animal dander, fabric softener, and detergents are the most common laundry room irritants. Luckily, it's easy to limit your exposure. Read on for tips on making sure your laundry room stays as clean as the clothes that come out of it:

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Pay Attention to Detergent

I have bad news for you: you're probably using too much detergent. "The biggest irritants all occur because of too much detergent and too many additives," says laundry expert and HGTV star Patric Richardson. "Overuse of detergents and softeners can lead to build-up on the washer over time which will promote mold and mildew growth, along with producing odors," says Laura Johnson, Research & Development Analyst for LG Electronics USA.

So, how do you know how much is too much? First of all, ignore the recommendations on the back of the detergent bottle. Richardson recommends only using between 2 and 2/12 tablespoons per regular-sized load, which is well below the industry average. "Use less, and not only will your clothes be cleaner, but your machine and laundry room will be as well!" says Richardson.

Certain detergents can also leave skin irritated. "If you have sensitive skin or other contact allergies, avoid fabric softener altogether and use dye-free and allergen-free detergents," says Dr. Parikh. If you suffer from allergies to pet dander, it's also a good idea to use detergents specifically formulated with that in mind.

Clean Your Washer Regularly

Yes, cleaning your washing machine is something you should be doing regularly. Not only can your appliance become backed up with detergent if you're not cleaning it, but leftover water can also be a significant source of mold and mildew. "[Mold and mildew] often occur because front load washer doors are left closed after washing, trapping water inside," says Johnson. Leaving the doors open after each load and washing your machine monthly can prevent mold from multiplying. Richardson recommends running your machine with a gallon of vinegar and a pound of borax on a long, hot cycle for best results.

Dryer lint buildup can also cause result in mold and mildew growth. Johnson recommends "cleaning your dryer lint trap after every cycle" to help reduce allergens. Similarly, Johnson suggests cleaning your dryer ducts at least once or twice a year to clear them of lint.

Keep Humidity Low

Mold and mildew love humidity, and in the laundry room, there's plenty of it. "The mildew builds up when moisture is allowed to stay around the room," says Richardson. Keep your laundry room below 50% humidity to prevent mold growth. If you can, leave your windows open to ensure better ventilation. But if that's not an option, invest in a dehumidifier or a fan to take excess moisture out of the air. It's also crucial that you regularly check your dryer vent since a loose or damaged hose could invite excess heat.

Use Hot Water

While washing your clothes in hot water can cause colors to fade over time, it may be the best option for those with pet allergies. Pet dander can be majorly irritating, and it's notoriously hard to remove. Use the hottest water your fabric will allow you to keep your clothes allergen-free.

Invest in Your Appliances

If regular cleaning and product swaps aren't enough to keep your allergies at bay, it might be time for a new machine. Look for certified allergy and asthma-free appliances, which can help better remove dust and dander from your clothes.

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