Counselor who criticized PHHS gender policy apparently placed on leave

Jan. 27—PENDLETON — A Pendleton Heights High School counselor who criticized the school for withholding from parents information about student gender transition decisions has apparently been placed on indefinite leave.

The counselor, Kathy McCord, sent an email in August informing teachers of a student's desire to be called by a different name, noting that the student's family was "not supportive of this decision" and communicating that any correspondence with the parents should refer to the student by their original name.

That email was later published in a story posted on The Daily Signal, a news website funded by The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.

The story described a school gender support plan that some interpreted as asking district personnel to not communicate to parents a student's gender transition decision whenever a student says their parents are not supportive of the transition.

The story sparked controversy at a public meeting in December, where several parents berated school board members about the district's perceived lack of transparency in the matter. Many assailed the board for not clearly articulating what, if any, directives from district leaders led to the internal email being sent.

Others at the meeting spoke in favor of the district's overall nondiscrimination policy.

In The Daily Signal article, McCord said that she and other counselors strongly disagreed with the school's stance not to tell parents about students' gender transition decisions. McCord called the school's approach dishonest and harmful.

On Tuesday, Superintendent Mark Hall declined to address the status of McCord's job, saying in a text message that the district does not comment on personnel issues.

One Pendleton Heights parent, Brandon Godbey, said he became aware of McCord's status when he called the counseling office at the high school to follow up on his students' course scheduling. He said he was told that McCord no longer works at the school.

The Herald Bulletin's attempts to reach McCord for comment were unsuccessful. She is still listed on the school's website as a counselor.

McCord's status might be addressed at the board's next regularly scheduled monthly meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 2.

Follow Andy Knight on Twitter @Andrew_J_Knight, or call 765-640-4809.