County Commissioners Court Precinct 1 candidate: Pete Faraone

Pete Faraone candidate for County Commissioners Court Precinct 1.
Pete Faraone candidate for County Commissioners Court Precinct 1.

County Commissioners Court Precinct 1 candidate

Pete Faraone - D


Please describe your personal and professional background.

In 2002 I began working for the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office. I served as a Detention Officer for 17 years. In October 2018, I was elected as the President of our labor union (El Paso County Sheriff’s Officers Association). I worked tirelessly to Improve labor-management relationships, opened lines of communication, and reached across lines of division to improve working conditions for all employees.  I retired in January 2024.

How do you earn a living? Do you plan to continue if elected?

I am retired from the El Paso County Sheriff's Office. My new number one job will be serving the residents of Pct. 1 full-time.

Please describe your education. Where did you get your high school diploma? What higher education degrees and certificates have you earned from where?

I am a 1998 graduate of Hanks High School. I enrolled at El Paso Community College before joining the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office where I eventually retired.

What experiences in leadership do you have that qualify you for this position?

As president of the association, I served in a leadership role that was responsible for 800 union members locally and also helped represented 24,000 members across the State of Texas as an executive board member of CLEAT (Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas).  In my role at CLEAT, I helped oversee a budget of $11 million dollars. There were many times when I faced difficult tasks and had to put my best foot forward to bring about a positive result for the members.

Have you ever been arrested or charged with a crime? Have you ever had a civil judgment against you? Have you ever been in arrears on local, state or federal taxes? If so, please provide an explanation.

I have not.

If elected, would you have any potential conflicts of interest that you are aware of that would impair your ability to serve? Please explain what they are and how you would avoid conflict.

I do not envision any conflicts of interest while serving as Commissioner.

What does transparent government mean to you? Will you be personally accessible to answer questions while in office?

In my opinion, transparent government means not hiding decisions made by the Court from the public. Taxpayers deserve to know how their money is spent. Decisions to build out the community must be clearly articulated to the residents. I am ready to meet and answer questions as asked.

Issue related questions

Why are you running for this office?

I decided to run for this office because I believe that I have the experience and knowledge necessary to hold this position of trust.

Why are you the best candidate for this office?

I have the experience, knowledge, and commitment to serve our community. Throughout this campaign season I have contacted thousands of Pct. 1 residents. They want a true leader as a commissioner, and they want one that will manage county funds prudently. The last thing they want to see is a commissioner who will give himself a pay raise, which I have promised never to do.

What do you feel are the largest challenges facing your precinct? What would you do to address those challenges?

I believe that the largest challenges facing my precinct are: tax increases, road infrastructure and public safety. My 22 years of work experience with the Sheriff’s Office puts me in a prime position to offer suggestions on how to maintain public safety as a countywide priority. Further, we must live within our means and that means implementing a good solid budget that does not simply rely on the taxpayer for increases. We must stick to the budget and not issue certificates of obligation. Roads are always a concern for citizens, and we need to address that fully during the budget season.

There is constant growth on the far East Side in Precinct 1 - what can be done to alleviate the traffic plaguing Precinct 1 residents?

The explosive growth on the far East Side in Precinct 1 requires the establishment of a countywide plan that considers the growth, the roads, and the community’s housing needs. I commit to being a leader in these discussions.

Will you commit to opposing any budget that enacts higher property taxes on El Pasoans? (Why or why not?)

I will commit to opposing any budget that enacts higher property taxes on El Pasoans. Our citizens are drowning with the excessive tax rates from every one of our entities. They are screaming for help.  I will also vote against any CO’s (Certificates of Obligation), which are debt without voter approval.

Will you commit to opposing any plan for commissioners to give themselves another raise? (Why or why not?)

I commit to oppose any plan that contains a salary increase for me. I cannot think of a single citizen that has received such high salary raises as commissioners have received in the last few years. I will vote no to Commissioners raises!Will you commit to opposing any plan for non-voter approved debt, such as certificates of obligation? (Why or why not?)

Elected officials in our community have used certificates of obligation as an extra purse. They do not have extra money. They are simply passing on larger tax bills to the citizens. Certificates of obligation are to be used only for true emergency needs.

Precinct 1 includes areas beyond the city limits still without basic water and sewer service - how will you address the needs in those areas?

I think it is shameful that we have citizens living in these conditions, yet they still pay taxes. We can remedy this by continuing to apply for well-funded grants. I will advocate to identify grants for infrastructure and will ensure that the County follows through with the execution of these projects in a timely manner.

What role should the Commissioners Court play in sheltering migrants at the border, if any?

The Court should work in a cooperative manner with the city. Together we can make a difference in the lives of the migrants. We know that migrants come to our city, potentially stay in a shelter or hotel for a few days and then they move on to their destination. The County’s Migrant Support Services Center should continue to offer this assistance to migrants and help them get to their final destination while they await their immigration court hearings.  These services should continue as long as we receive federal dollars to pay for it.

The candidates' responses are being published largely as they were submitted.

This article originally appeared on El Paso Times: County Commissioners Court Precinct 1 candidate: Pete Faraone