County Council makes new appointment to Hamilton East Public Library board

The Hamilton County Council appointed Kim Logan — a 35-year Fishers resident and civic volunteer — to replace Tiffanie Ditlevson on the Hamilton East Public Library Board.

The council, which has two appointments, voted Logan to the board at a Dec. 6 meeting. Ditlevson stepped down last week, about a month after winning election to the Fishers City Council.

Logan is a member of the Fishers Plan Commission and the Delaware Township Board of Trustees. She is the second appointee to fill a vacancy since September and the third new member on the board since August.

Shake-up Who's in, out at Hamilton East Public Library board and what's next for book placement

The shake-up has decimated the 4-3 majority of staunch social conservatives who passed a controversial book-moving policy a year ago. The new members have already helped repeal the policy, which relocated some books from the teen section to the adult shelves.

Ditlevson, along with Ray Maddalone and Laura Alerding, were members of the voting block that favored the book relocation. Maddalone resigned in October after the state's public access counselor ruled that he and Alerding violated the state’s Open Door Law when they met privately with board attorneys. Alerding was replaced when her term expired in August.

The fourth conservative board member, pastor Micah Beckwith, remains and was also appointed by the County Council.

Logan spoke as a citizen in favor of the relocation policy at least once when the board was debating it in February 2022, according to a published report in IndyStar.

Her term expires in August 2026.

Board member Susan Crandall replaced Maddalone and Bill Kenley was appointed to fill Alerding’s seat.

Call IndyStar reporter John Tuohy at 317-444-6418 or email him at Follow him on Facebook and X/Twitter.

Hamilton East Public Library Board after it voted to reverse book relocation policy. President Tiffanie Ditlevson joined by video.
Hamilton East Public Library Board after it voted to reverse book relocation policy. President Tiffanie Ditlevson joined by video.

This article originally appeared on Indianapolis Star: HEPL board: Hamilton County leaders appoint Kim Logan