County's new US Representative Rick Allen visits Louisville

US Representative Rick Allen speaks to the Jefferson County Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs in Louisville Aug. 24.
US Representative Rick Allen speaks to the Jefferson County Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs in Louisville Aug. 24.

Congressman Rick Allen, who after redistricting will be taking Jody Hice’s place as Jefferson County’s representative in the US House of Representatives, visited Louisville in a joint meeting of the area’s Rotary and Kiwanis clubs Aug. 24.

“I’m so happy to have Jefferson County in my new district,” Allen said. “My dad was born and raised most of his life here in Louisville.”

Now serving his fourth term in congress, Allen resides in Augusta, and serves on the House agriculture, education and labor committees.

Allen told Jefferson County’s community leaders gathered at the meeting that he is also chairman of the Congressional Prayer Caucus and believes that prayer is critical in this country.

“It’s important that we continue to pray for our nation,” he said later adding that he feels it important for the future of the country that citizens live “in God’s design.” Allen quoted John Adams’s observation that the country’s constitution “was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

The congressman talked about the financial impacts of COVID on the country and the importance of working to reduce the nation’s debt and balance its budget.

“The secret is, America has got to go to work. We have to have the jobs and the economy to put folks to work,” Allen said. “The biggest problem today is inflation. We have to unleash the economy in every area, create jobs, give people the opportunity to go back to work.”

He talked about his support for the recent Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade and Georgia’s own passage of the Heartbeat Bill.

“The greatest economic engine ever created was the American family,” Allen said. “The intact American family requires little or no government assistance. In the intact American family the kids are either educated or in a trade. Back in the day it was what your father did, for years it was passed along...That leads to additional generations who are producing, protecting their families and their property and require very little to no government assistance. What that does is allow the federal government to prioritize spending on national security and other things. Does anybody have an idea what immorality costs this country per year?”

He blamed much of the “chaos in this country” on its leaders who he said wants more government and more federal law enforcement.

“I look forward to getting to know all of you better and representing Jefferson County, Washington County, Lincoln County and all of the 23 counties,” Allen said. “I am a district first congressman.... I love to be in the district, that’s my passion.”

This article originally appeared on Augusta Chronicle: County's new US Representative Rick Allen visits Louisville