Coventry Town Council commends acting police chief

Aug. 5—COVENTRY — Coventry Town Manager John Elsesser commended Jeffrey Spadjinske for serving as acting chief of police in a letter to Spadjinske and the town council.

The letter recognized Spadjinske's efforts while serving as acting chief of police following the retirement of former Chief Mark Palmer in October 2021 until current Chief Eric Peterson took over on July 18, 2022.

" You performed in this challenging role in exemplary fashion," Elsesser said in his letter. " Tasks that management relies on to operate smoothly, such as communication, fiscal management, deployment of staff, and interaction with regional public safety groups, were all handled without missing a beat, and it was a relief to know the Coventry Police Department was in capable hands during this transition period."

Elsesser also said the town appreciates Spadjinske's willingness to step in to serve the town. He hopes Spadjinske felt the opportunity was valuable as he takes the next steps in his career progression.

" Thank you for a job well done," Elsesser said.

Town Council Vice- Chair Marty Milkovic said Spadjinske did a good job as acting chief of police.

" The council and John of course appreciate it," Milkovic said.

Town Council Chair Lisa Thomas also referenced Elsesser's letter of commendation about Spadjinske at the meeting on Monday night.

" It recognizes Jeff stepping up to take over that role and doing a really great job," she said.

The letter of commendation has become a part of Spadjinske's personnel file.

Spadjinske is currently serving as sergeant for the Coventry Police Department, a position he previously held from January 2019 through October 2021.

Spadjinske is grateful to have been recognized by Elsesser in the letter of commendation.

" It's always nice when you're recognized for all the hard work that you do," he said.

Elsesser said the town is working on making Spadjinske a captain in the police department. The town council approved the job description at their meeting on July 18, however, Elsesser does not believe Spadjinske will be named captain until September.

" We're working on it," Elsesser said.

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