COVID-19 slows spread in Dickinson County

Mar. 11—The spread of COVID-19 has slowed significantly in Dickinson County, according to the Kansas Department of Health and the Environment.

Since Feb. 17, the KDHE has listed only 44 new cases of the virus — up from 4,743 to 4,787 in total. This is in contrast to January when the county was adding hundreds of new cases of COVID-19 to the total each week.

According to the KDHE, the number of COVID-19 variants spotted in the county has not shifted upward in more than a week. Only a few new cases of variants have been found in the community since Feb. 17. The KDHE has noted 155 total cases of COVID-19 variants in the county, including 108 cases of the Delta variant, 42 cases of the Omicron variant, four cases of the Alpha variant, and one case of the Gamma variant.

However, Dickinson County has added another COVID-19 death to the county since Feb. 17. The county has experienced a total of 73 deaths from the virus since the pandemic began. That total includes 31 women and 42 men.

The COVID-19 vaccination rate has gone up slightly in the county since February.

A total of 572.5 per 1,000 residents age five or older have received at least one shot of the vaccination, totaling about 9,987 people.

A total of 521.4 per 1,000 residents age five or older have had both rounds of the COVID-19 vaccine, for a total of about 9,096 people.

This information and more can be found on the KDHE's websites at and online.