COVID coping: Why it's important to take breaks in quarantine

It's easy to forget to take a break in the rush of our pandemic lives. But we have to remember to do it.

A few of my colleagues virtually attended the National Association of Black Journalists and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists conferences last week, and when they presented their takeaways to our team there was one unifying theme: Take time to take care of yourself.

We're reading about (or for us journalists, writing about) tragedy all the time. Our day-to-day routines are tougher and more stressful than ever. Even if you feel OK today, tomorrow you could get overwhelmed. Programming regular breaks into our lives can help mitigate this stress.

So here's my reminder for this weekend and when you head back to work on Monday: Take breaks, big or small. Take mental health days off if you have that privilege. Get up and walk around your home to stretch your muscles once an hour. Eat lunch away from your desk. Don't check your email after you sign off. Limit your news and social media intake. Take a nap. Take five minutes away from work or chores or childcare (if you can). Maybe just close your eyes, if only for a minute.

Thanks to Anika Reed, Rasha Ali, Cydney Henderson and Alison Maxwell for giving me that reminder just when I could use it. Your coping newsletter writer sometimes needs help, too.

Word of the day: 'Quarantine FOMO'

As my colleague Charlie Trepany put it so succinctly: The coronavirus pandemic has canceled many things, but FOMO doesn't appear to be one of them.

FOMO, aka the fear of missing out, is that sinking feeling you see someone you vaguely knew in high school living their best life on social media. And although it's a slangy acronym you might hear your younger relatives use, it's also a real kind of anxiety. Jennifer Wolkin, a New York-based health and neuropsychologist, describes FOMO as "anxiety that's elicited by the perception that others are thriving while we aren't, or that others are overall experiencing a better version of life."

You might think that with vacations, concerts, weddings, baby showers, festivals and more canceled due to COVID-19 concerns, we might be worried less about what we're missing out on. But that's not what's happening.

Instead of disappearing, FOMO has "shape-shifted," Wolkin says. "It might not be looking at pictures of someone's vacation or their parasailing trip or swimming with dolphins. It now becomes 'They're making sourdough starters,' and 'They're going for a hike in the woods with their family, and I'm just on the couch and doing nothing and surviving and trying to find my breath.' "

But there are ways to mitigate FOMO for a more pleasant quarantine.

  • Change your social media habits. Shift your consumption from a passive experience to an active one. That can be done by interacting with people on social media rather than just scrolling absentmindedly.

  • Think of FOMO as JOMO, or "the joy of missing out." That can be achieved by finding happiness in the present moment, in whatever you may be doing.

  • Remember you are trying your best. These are unprecedented times, and just making it through the day is enough. "It's more than OK to literally just survive. You don't have to have a 'productive pandemic,' " Wolkin says. "In some ways, we're all missing out."

Read Charlie's full story on FOMO here.

Today's reads

Today's pet

Do you know what's better than a bike? A bike with a good boy in the basket.

"Travis McGregor"
"Travis McGregor"

Meet Travis McGregor, who, according to his human Louise Kizima, enjoys a bike ride in the summer, just like we do.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Staying Apart, Together: Why it's important to take breaks amid COVID