COVID's just another way for making political hay

A number of countries are lifting their COVID-19 restrictions. So are some U.S. states and large businesses.

In fact, a Trump-appointed federal judge in Florida recently ruled that masks could not be required by airlines regardless of the health danger demonstrated by the CDC. This is a welcome moment in time for many Americans, particularly on the right, who have been anti-mask from day one.

Polls indicate that fatigue and frustration over this disease has been skyrocketing. Americans have had enough. The disease needs to go away. And if it persists, so what? If we ignore this coronavirus, it might just disappear.

Truck convoys, demonstrations on the steps of the Capitol in Harrisburg and Washington, letters to the editor, and right-wing radio and television commentators are all singing to the same tune. Mask wearing, social distancing, limited activities and any requirement for a vaccine and booster are all somehow unAmerican and infringe on the individual’s rights.

Of course, the reality is that no one can argue against the inconvenience of it all. And, unless one is widely read and willing to accept scientific facts, it is difficult to argue against an avalanche of false information.

We keep hearing that COVID-19 precautions somehow infringe on our independence and freedom. Yet many of these same freedom-loving people have no trouble with the requirements that we wear a seat belt when riding in a car, or not to drive excessively over the speed limit, or not to sell cigarettes to grade schoolers, or not to smoke in a school or other public structure, or not to walk naked down a neighborhood street, or not to rob a bank, or not to provide hard drug sales, or not to randomly kill another human being, or to abide by what seems like an infinite number of rules, ordinances and laws.

But the requirements to obtain a vaccination or wear a mask are somehow different. These precautions, and presumably these precautions alone, infringe on our liberties and freedoms.

In a nonpolitical world, the coronavirus-related safeguards would not be lifted until COVID-19 was totally under control. But many people have been ignoring preventative measures since day one. This could not be clearer in the maskless environment of a grocery store or a restaurant.

It is unfortunate, but inescapable, that the challenge we are facing is that COVID-19 and its variants are still causing a serious number of cases and deaths here in the U.S. And now that Americans are insisting on lifting related safeguards, and many are rejecting the opportunity for vaccinations and booster shots, we are not doing everything necessary to reduce coronavirus induced illness and death.

Rolling protest:The People's Convoy is going to California after staying in Hagerstown for almost a month

More Gindlesperger:There's a simple reason why Republicans are more likely to die of COVID-19

Today, despite easy and free access to vaccines, only about 40% of those eligible have received a booster. In other countries where the safeguards are being lessened or lifted, the percentage of those protected by a booster is two to three times higher. This would indicate that some Americans seem to believe in the ostrich theory. Put your head in the sand and the danger magically disappears.

Even among Americans who’ve received their initial vaccine dose and are eligible for a second dose and then a booster or two, less than 25% percent are not fully vaccinated, even though each injection adds greater protection.

To prove the point, the only European countries that exceed the U.S. COVID-19 death rates are Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Greece and the Czech Republic. These are countries where vaccines are scarce.

Yes, we all want things to go back to where they were before few people could spell coronavirus and those who could didn’t grasp its volatility. Yet, the way to prevent 99% of COVID-related deaths and 96% of hospitalizations, and to do so safely, has been validated by billions of people. And it is free and easily available.

As we enter the next phase of our struggle with COVID-19, it will take a lot more to protect ourselves and our children than simply ignoring the disease in the name of freedom.

The initial vaccination in the U.S. registered 74% of all adults and 88% of seniors. However, the administration of a second dose as well as a booster effort, both of which are essential to stopping the spread of disease, have fallen on a number deaf ears. The program is being hampered by disagreement among political leaders, confusing public health messaging, the spread of misinformation, and new waves of misunderstood COVID variants.

It is unfortunate but true, those not fully vaccinated, coupled with those who do not bother obtaining a booster, comprise the vast majority of those seriously ill, hospitalized, and dying due to coronavirus. It turns out that vaccines work when regularly boosted. Those vaccinated are less likely to become seriously sick and to end up in the hospital — or the morgue.

To be clear, sometimes in some people vaccines do not work. Most of the time they do. It is sort of like driving carefully at the speed limit. You are likely not to have a fatal accident. But if someone else comes roaring down the road and veers into your path, you could be killed. That is rare, but can happen. Yet, it is no reason for you to increase your risk of death by driving recklessly at excessive speeds. And that is the way vaccines work.

Studies indicate that by staying the course, and receiving a booster, your vaccination is twice as effective as the initial two shots, and it is 90% effective against hospitalization and 95% effective against death. Just like driving under the speed limit, there is no 100% guarantee against a crash, let alone a fatal one.

For who knows what reason, Republicans have grasped onto any and all miscommunication to resist vaccines. The issue is so politicized that former President Donald Trump was criticized by some Republicans for admitting that he had received a booster shot and urging his supporters to take the same step. In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to avoid saying anything about his booster status to harness surging anti-vaccine sentiment among Republicans.

Perhaps the Republican message has caught on with Americans, who now seem resigned not to worry about contracting coronavirus, because they dangerously conclude that natural immunity will suffice in place of getting vaccinated and then boosted.

It may be turning out that those refusing vaccinations and boosters are choosing their own paths. And the politicians who are hitching their wagons to these anti-vax and pro-freedom of choice messages are really saying … let them get sick and die.

Bill Gindlesperger is a central Pennsylvanian, Dickinson College graduate, Pennsylvania System Of Higher Education (PASSHE) Governor, Shippensburg University Trustee, and Chairman of eLynxx Solutions. eLynxx software coordinates and drives communication, specifying, approval, procurement or production, reporting and activities necessary to obtaining direct mail, marketing materials, promo and all other printing. He is a board member, campaign advisor, successful entrepreneur, published author and commentator. He can be reached at

This article originally appeared on Chambersburg Public Opinion: Freedom only seems to apply in certain circumstances