CPA Exam Pass Rates: Strategies for Overcoming the Odds

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The CPA exam for aspiring Certified Public Accountants demands a comprehensive understanding of accounting principles and practices. Historical pass rates (around 50%) reveal the exam’s difficulty, emphasizing the importance of strategic preparation.

Let’s explore the CPA exam’s structure, focusing on pass rates, and offer strategies for success, incorporating tried-and-true practices from actual CPA exam candidates. For insights into effective study methods, the NASBA-funded research provides valuable guidance for those wanting to increase the CPA exam pass rate and join the list of licensed CPAs.

Key Takeaways

  • Historical Pass Rates: The cumulative pass rate for the CPA exam has hovered around 50% over the past decade, reflecting how difficult the CPA exam is across all sections.

  • Far Pass Rates: In 2023, FAR presented the most significant challenge with a 43% pass rate, whereas REG showed higher success at 59%, highlighting the varied challenges across sections.

  • Study Results: Candidates investing over 300 hours of study per section have seen improved pass rates, emphasizing the value of in-depth preparation.

  • Practice Exam Help: Engaging in regular practice exams under simulated conditions has led to a 10-15% increase in pass rates, showcasing the effectiveness of practical, exam-like preparation.

Analyzing CPA Exam Pass Rates

The CPA exam pass rates are a significant benchmark for understanding the exam’s difficulty level and the challenges CPA candidates face. An examination of the recent pass rates for each CPA exam section sheds light on the varying degrees of challenge across the exam’s spectrum.

In the first two quarters of 2023, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) reported the following pass rates for the CPA exam sections:

  • REG (Regulation): 59.22%

  • AUD (Auditing and Attestation): 47.68%

  • FAR (Financial Accounting and Reporting): 42.30%

  • BEC (Business Environment and Concepts): 58.25% (Note: BEC was eliminated from the 2024 exam.

The CPA Exam pass rates over the past decade provide a detailed lens through which we can observe the evolving challenges and successes candidates face. By examining the specific numbers from 2013 to 2023, we gain insights into how changes in the exam and the accounting profession have influenced candidate performance.

Notable Fluctuations in CPA Pass Rates

A closer look at the numbers reveals significant fluctuations across different sections of the CPA exam. For example, the Financial Accounting and Reporting section’s pass rates have shown a consistent challenge for candidates, with a low of 42% in 2023. This trend underscores the complexity of financial accounting principles covered in this section.

In contrast, the Regulation (REG) section has maintained relatively high pass rates, with a 59% pass rate in 2023, indicating that candidates may find the content in this section more within their grasp or relevant to their practical experiences.

CPA Preparation Methods and Pass Rates

The effectiveness of CPA review courses and study materials is critical to candidates’ success. The data from 2013 to 2023 suggests a correlation between comprehensive review courses and higher pass rates. For instance, the BEC section saw a peak pass rate of 77% in Q2 of 2020, highlighting the potential impact of targeted study strategies and materials.

Detailed CPA Exams Pass Rate Analysis

2013-2017: During this period, pass rates for sections like AUDIT hovered around the mid-40s to low-50s, with a gradual increase in REG pass rates, reflecting the evolving focus of exam content.

2018-2019: This period saw a stabilization in pass rates, with FAR remaining challenging for many candidates, evidenced by a cumulative pass rate of 46% in 2018.

2020: Marked by the pandemic, this year showed unusual spikes in pass rates, such as BEC reaching 77% in Q2, suggesting an impact from external factors on candidate preparation and performance.

2021-2023: The latest data indicates a return to pre-pandemic pass rate levels, with REG consistently performing well at 59% in 2023 and FAR continuing to pose challenges at a 43% pass rate.

Factors Influencing Pass Rates

The variation in pass rates can be attributed to multiple factors:

  • Exam Content and Structure: The complexity and volume of the content in each section significantly affect candidates’ preparation and performance. Sections covering a broader range of topics or more intricate material tend to make earning a CPA exam passing score harder.

  • Preparation Methods: The effectiveness of study materials and CPA review courses plays a crucial role in candidates’ success. Customized study plans that tackle each section’s challenges can enhance CPA pass rates.

External factors, such as updates to accounting standards and technological advancements, also shape pass rates. A notable example is the spike in AUD pass rate numbers to 65% in Q2 of 2020, possibly influenced by changes in study habits or exam preparation strategies during the global pandemic.

Critical Strategies for Overcoming the Odds to Pass the CPA Exam

Succeeding in earning a passing CPA exam score requires more than just understanding the material; it demands a strategic approach to study and preparation. Here are key strategies for developing a study plan to help you overcome the odds and succeed on the CPA exam.

Developing a Personalized Study Plan

The cornerstone of adequate CPA exam preparation is a personalized study plan. This plan should reflect your learning style, knowledge gaps, and life commitments. A tailored approach ensures that you focus on the areas needing the most attention while fitting your study sessions into your existing schedule.

Tips for Creating an Effective Study Schedule

  1. Assess Your Starting Point: Before diving into your studies, evaluate your understanding of the CPA exam content. This assessment will help you identify which sections you need to spend more time on.

  2. Set Realistic Goals: Break down your study goals into manageable tasks. Setting weekly or daily objectives can make the vast amount of material more approachable.

  3. Incorporate Variety: Mix your study methods to include reading, practice questions, flashcards, and simulations. This variety can help keep you engaged and enhance your retention.

  4. Plan for Breaks: Regular breaks are crucial for avoiding burnout. Short breaks during study sessions and occasional days off will help you stay refreshed and motivated.

Balancing Study with Work and Personal Commitments

Juggling the demands of the CPA exam with work and personal life is a challenge many CPA candidates face. Here are strategies to maintain this balance and increase your CPA exam scores:

  • Communicate with Employers and Family: Let your employer and family know about your CPA exam goals. They can offer support and understanding, especially during peak study times.

  • Use Time Efficiently: Look for opportunities to study during downtime, such as during commutes or lunch breaks. Even short study sessions can add up over time.

  • Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries around your study time to minimize interruptions and distractions.

  • Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to seek support from colleagues, friends, or a study group. They can offer encouragement, share tips, and help you stay accountable to your study plan.

Mastering the CPA Exam Material

Mastering the material for the CPA exam goes beyond mere familiarity with the content; it requires deep learning and a robust understanding of concepts. Deep learning involves engaging with the material in a way that allows you to apply knowledge in various contexts, as opposed to surface learning, which often involves memorizing facts just well enough to recall them for the exam.

The distinction is crucial for CPA candidates, as the exam tests the ability to apply concepts in practical scenarios, not just recollecting information.

Strategies for Deep Learning vs. Surface Learning

Deep learning strategies include creating connections between new information and existing knowledge, applying concepts to different scenarios, and teaching the material to someone else. These approaches encourage comprehension and long-term retention. In contrast, surface learning might involve cramming or rote memorization, which is less effective for understanding complex accounting principles.

Importance of Understanding Concepts Rather Than Memorizing

The CPA exam’s focus on task-based simulations and case studies underscores the importance of understanding concepts over memorizing facts. A profound grasp of the underlying principles allows candidates to navigate the exam’s challenging questions, often requiring analysis, judgment, and application of accounting standards in various situations.

Tips for Active Learning and Retention

  • Engage with the Material: Use active study techniques such as summarizing readings in your own words, creating mind maps, or developing flashcards.

  • Practice Application: Regularly apply concepts to different problems to build flexibility in your knowledge.

  • Use Spaced Repetition: Review material over increasing time intervals to enhance memory retention.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice is a cornerstone of effective CPA exam preparation. Engaging with practice questions and simulations mirrors the exam experience, helping candidates familiarize themselves with the format and types of questions they will encounter. This hands-on approach is invaluable for reinforcing content mastery and building confidence.

Role of Practice Questions and Simulations in Preparation

Practice questions and simulations serve multiple roles in getting ready for the CPA exam. They test your knowledge and application of concepts, provide exposure to the exam’s format, and highlight areas needing further study. Simulations, in particular, are crucial for developing the skills needed for the exam’s task-based sections.

How to Use Practice Tests Effectively

  • Simulate Exam Conditions: Take practice tests under conditions similar to the actual exam to acclimate yourself to the pressure and pacing of test day and CPA exam scoring.

  • Review Answers Thoroughly: Whether you answer correctly or not, review explanations for each question to understand the reasoning behind the correct answers.

  • Incorporate Feedback: Use the results from practice tests to adjust your study plan, focusing on areas where you need improvement.

Analyzing Practice Test Results to Identify Weak Areas

Careful analysis of practice test results allows you to pinpoint weaknesses in your knowledge or test-taking strategies. Look for patterns in the types of questions missed and assess whether errors are due to a lack of understanding, misreading questions, or time management issues.

Time Management During the CPA Exam

Effective time management during the CPA exam is critical for ensuring you can answer all questions to the best of your ability. The exam’s format, with multiple choice questions and task-based simulations spread across several sections, requires a strategic approach to time allocation.

Strategies for Allocating Time Across Exam Sections

  • Understand the Format: Familiarize yourself with the structure of each exam section, including the number of questions and simulations, to plan your time accordingly.

  • Set Mini-Deadlines: Break the exam into smaller segments and set target times to complete each part, ensuring you stay on track.

Tips for Pacing During the Exam

  • Prioritize Questions: Tackle questions you’re confident about first to secure points, then return to more challenging ones.

  • Watch the Clock: Regularly check the time, but avoid constantly watching the clock, as it can increase anxiety.

  • Practice Pacing: Use practice exams to understand how long to spend on each question or simulation.

Mental and Physical Well-being

The role of mental and physical well-being in CPA exam prep cannot be overstated. Stress management and mental and physical health are critical components of a successful study plan. Maintaining a healthy balance can enhance focus, retention, and exam performance.

Role of Physical and Mental Health in Exam Preparation

Effective preparation encompasses both mental and physical well-being. Stress management techniques like mindfulness, meditation, and taking regular breaks are essential for maintaining mental health, preventing burnout, and sustaining high motivation levels throughout the intense study period.

Similarly, physical health, bolstered by adequate sleep, a balanced diet, and regular exercise, plays a crucial role in enhancing cognitive function and energy levels. Together, these practices are fundamental in improving concentration and endurance during study sessions and on exam day, ensuring a holistic approach to tackling the CPA exam challenges.

Techniques for Maintaining Motivation and Focus

  • Set Small, Achievable Goals: Breaking down your study plan into smaller, manageable tasks can help maintain motivation.

  • Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge and reward yourself for reaching study milestones or scoring well on practice exams.

  • Stay Connected: Engage with a study group or online community for support and encouragement.

By integrating these strategies into your CPA exam preparation, you can enhance your mastery of the material, optimize your practice sessions, manage your time effectively during the exam, and maintain your mental and physical well-being.

Learning from Those Who’ve Succeeded: CPA Test Taker Testimonials

Drawing lessons from successful CPA candidates provides a treasure trove of strategies and insights for navigating the CPA exam. Through detailed case studies and reflective interviews, several key themes and effective practices emerge, offering a guide for future candidates.

Here are some tips from a CPA subreddit of actual candidates and licensed certified public accountants:

Tailoring Your Study Approach

A nuanced approach to studying, tailored to individual schedules and learning styles, is often cited as a cornerstone of success. “I am going slow with the new 30-month window to take them all. Using Becker for the main study material. I do a module daily (read and watch videos after work, try to get the MCQ & sims done on lunch). I do practice exams up to the point I have studied on the weekends,” shared one candidate.

This method highlights the importance of integrating study into daily life in a sustainable way, allowing for rest and recovery to prevent burnout.

Navigating New Exam Formats

Introducing new exam sections presents a unique challenge for candidates, requiring adaptability and strategic planning.

“For the new exams, I would try and just pick the one you feel the most comfortable with given how you did on the material in Under-Grad, or the one you have the most experience within your professional life,” advised a candidate, suggesting a focus on leveraging existing strengths to tackle unfamiliar content.

Effective Exam Strategies

Successful candidates often share strategies that helped them efficiently manage the exam’s demands.

“I just answer each question in order. If I feel stuck on one, I mark it and move on. I keep a calm brain and don’t let myself get too flustered and start flagging hella questions,” one candidate recounted, emphasizing the importance of staying calm and methodical under pressure.

Combating Distractions

In an age where distractions are ever-present, finding ways to maintain focus during study sessions is crucial. Techniques vary from the Pomodoro method to changing study locations to keep the mind engaged. “Keep your phone in a different room. The Pomodoro method works great. I started using 25/5, then 45/15, and then I studied for 2 or 3 hours straight without even noticing it,” a candidate suggested, highlighting strategies for minimizing distractions and maximizing productivity.

Emphasizing Health and Routine

A consistent routine and physical and mental health attention play a significant role in preparing for the CPA exam. Successful candidates often stress the importance of exercise, proper nutrition, and mental health practices in their study regimen.

“Wake up > workout (20 - 30 min) > shower > get ready > eat (take alpha brain black) > drive to exam and listen to any last-minute cram video/lecture > box breathing (pranayama) > crush exam,” described one candidate, showcasing a holistic approach to exam preparation that encompasses both body and mind.

Leveraging Practice Exams

The strategic use of practice exams to simulate the test environment and identify weak areas is another common theme among successful candidates.

“Set up some randomized test of 30 questions in 30 minutes. This will help to simulate the pace you will need to move on exam day,” one shared, underlining the value of practice exams in building exam-day readiness and confidence.

Adapting Study Spaces

Changing study environments can help keep the study process fresh and engaging.

“Other things that worked for me were moving around, studying in different areas, and getting comfy. I know people say don’t lie in bed to study, but honestly, that’s what worked for me and still does. I find myself fidgeting less,” a candidate mentioned, suggesting that comfort and variety in study locations can enhance focus and retention.

Personalizing Learning Methods

Understanding and embracing one’s unique learning style is crucial for efficient study. “So everyone has different learning approaches. Watching lectures does not work for me at all, so I do not do that. You learn that about yourself over time. But listen to yourself (your body, how you feel...), and you will be good,” advised another candidate, highlighting the importance of self-awareness and customization in study methods.

These insights from successful CPA candidates illuminate the diverse strategies and personal adjustments necessary to conquer the CPA exam. From customizing study plans and embracing new challenges to maintaining focus and prioritizing well-being, these shared experiences offer valuable guidance for those preparing to take this rigorous test.


The CPA exam pass rates offer valuable insights into the varying degrees of difficulty across different sections, highlighting the importance of targeted preparation. The variations suggest that some areas may align more closely with candidates’ existing knowledge and skills while others demand more dedicated study and understanding.

The recent changes to the CPA exam structure, including the elimination of the BEC section, indicate a significant evolution in the accounting profession and its credentialing process. For candidates, staying informed about these changes is crucial for effective exam preparation and career planning, ensuring alignment with the profession’s current standards and expectations.


What are the recent CPA exam pass rates?

For the first half of 2023, pass rates were REG at 59.22%, AUD at 47.68%, FAR at 42.30%, and BEC at 58.25%. Note that BEC is removed from the 2024 exam.

How have CPA exam pass rates changed over time?

Pass rates fluctuate but average around 50%. FAR typically has lower rates due to its complexity, while REG rates are often higher.

Why do pass rates differ across CPA exam sections?

Differences in complexity and content breadth impact pass rates. The effectiveness of study methods also influences outcomes.

What strategies improve CPA exam success?

Key strategies include a personalized study plan, diverse study methods, practice exams, balancing study with life, and maintaining well-being.

Is understanding concepts more important than memorizing for the CPA exam?

Yes, applying concepts in various scenarios is crucial, making deep learning and understanding more valuable than rote memorization.

Does practicing under exam conditions help?

Absolutely. It familiarizes you with the exam format, enhances time management, and builds confidence.