This Crazy Popular Robot Vacuum Is $90 Off Right Now

Photo credit: eufy
Photo credit: eufy

From House Beautiful

We're not going to sugarcoat it for you: Cleaning your home is a necessary evil. Nobody wants to live in filth; however, spending all day dusting, sweeping, and wiping doesn't always feel like the best of use of your already limited time.

As people who resent cleaning as much as you do, we are always looking for gadgets that can make the entire process easier and more time-efficient. eufy's RoboVac takes the legwork out of vacuuming your floor and, thanks to our exclusive discount, you can also get a good deal on it.

Normally, eufy's RoboVac costs $299.99 but you can use our exclusive code "EUFYROBOVAC" to buy it for $209.99. Yup, that's a cool $90 in savings.

Once you set up the complementary boundary strips-to keep the vac from banging against your fancy coffee table-you can kick back, relax, and let eufy's vacuum do the rest of the work for you.

Use the accompanying eufyHome app or your virtual, personal assistant to start or schedule your cleaning. Translation? Vacuuming can be as easy as, "Alexa, clean my floors." Compatible with most surfaces, this vacuum features a special BoostIQ technology, which automatically increases the suction power when your floors need some reinforcements.

Not only does this vacuum clean for as long as 100 minutes, but eufy claims this model is as quiet as an operating microwave so it won't cramp your Netflix binge.

The only catch? This sale expires on Tuesday, June 25. So if you want to make your cleaning routine significantly easier, we recommend adding one to your cart, stat.

Find more greats sales on vacuums at

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