Critic's Choice night returns for a delicious night on Nov. 17. Get your tickets now

We're having a party.

Those were the words I used to announce The Providence Journal Critic's Choice Food & Drink Event six years ago. I didn't even have to look it up in the story archives. I remebered my introduction to this brand-new concept for my newspaper.

What parties we had for four years, from 2016 to 2019 at Rhodes on The Pawtuxet. Each year I set out a list with some of the best beer, wine and spirit makers. I took a trip around Rhode Island — in my mind — to create a lineup of fantastic restaurants. I thought about new, cutting-edge, farm-fresh businesses and longtime, family-style favorites. I didn’t forget bakeries and pizzerias, or sports bars or farms.

We invited some 120 culinary businesses and the first 75 to RSVP would be at Critic's Choice to sample their food and drink for some 750 paying guests.

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We had 2020 and 2021 to contemplate our next event, as COVID shut down big parties for public health.

Finally, The Journal will host the 5th Critic's Choice and it will be the biggest, and dare we say, best ever.

What's different? Almost everything except that once again it will be the event of the year with the best food and drink under one roof for three hours.

We loved the history and twinkle lights at Rhodes but renovations there mean we can't fit our crowd.

One of the best things about Critic's Choice was that we limited ticket sales so there was room to move around and few lines to get to that food and drink.

This year we will be at the Crowne Plaza in Warwick. Not only is the site centrally located, it is huge. We will be in the grand ballroom and in the foyer space around it which is even bigger. There'll be plenty of room for restaurants to cook and serve and for guests to see it all.

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After not being held for two years due to the COVID pandemic,  Critic's Choice is back and will be the biggest one yet.
After not being held for two years due to the COVID pandemic, Critic's Choice is back and will be the biggest one yet.

We have a new date this year. Critic's Choice will be Thursday, Nov. 17. What better way to welcome the holiday season than with this party.

The holiday theme made us think about a marketplace at which local food and drink artisans from Hope & Main could sell their products.

We are still working on some other surprises. The doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the event runs until 8:30 p.m.

What won't change is that the best in Rhode Island will gather to show off their food and drink.

We all know how hard the pandemic has been on so many industries including restaurants and other gathering spots.

But as I asked owners and chefs if they thought they'd be able to staff a night at Critic's Choice, they told me they needed a celebration. They would welcome the chance to gather together and celebrate their resilience.

The food isn't just delicious at Critic's Choice, it's beautifully presented.
The food isn't just delicious at Critic's Choice, it's beautifully presented.

Tickets include all food and drink. I promise no one goes home hungry.

They cost $65 You can get $5 off each ticket using the promo code FLAVOR. But be warned, ticket prices will go up to $75 Nov. 1. But that's only if there are any still available.

The event website is and that's where you will find tickets and our list of restaurants as they sign on to be at the event. You can also follow Critic's Choice on Facebook and Instagram for news.

I spent a lot of time going through my stories from 2020 and 2021 to make sure I invited many of the new businesses that so bravely opened up over the past two years.

I expect we will have more than 75 restaurants, wineries, breweries distillers, bakeries, farms and ice cream purveyors there on Nov 17.

We do know Amos House will be there cooking. They will benefit from proceeds of Critic's Choice. Their work as the state's largest soup kitchen and for job training has never been more needed.

They've seen food prices rise just as we all have. As our charitable partner, you can also designate a donation that will go directly to Amos House while purchasing tickets. I'm hoping many will open their hearts.

We are having a party and it is going to be wonderful.

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This article originally appeared on The Providence Journal: The Providence Journal's Critics Choice event will be on Nov. 17