CSP: Here are tips to avoid a less-than-ideal encounter with troopers

(COLORADO) — Beginning on Sunday, Feb. 11 the Colorado State Patrol (CSP) will partner with local jurisdictions for an enhanced enforcement period to prevent fatal crashes in the state. While the preliminary numbers show a decrease of 6% in fatal crashes in 2023, CSP said more work needs to be done.

UPCOMING ENFORCEMENT: A game-winning strategy: plan a sober ride

According to CSP, in 2023 there were 716 roadway deaths, and the majority of the crashes were the result of choices made by drivers, including driving while impaired, speeding above the posted limit, behaving aggressively, or driving while distracted.

Troopers said their focus will be on highways across Colorado and will be on the lookout for lane violations, tailgating, and speeding, along with aggressive and careless driving. “Coloradoans who intend to watch and celebrate the game away from their home are advised to make a plan in advance on how they will ensure a sober ride home,” warned CSP.

CSP: How to Avoid encountering troopers in less-than-ideal circumstances:

  • Pay close attention to speed limits. Speed limits are set for safety.

  • Put the distractions aside.

    • Place that cell phone out of reach and if it is that important, pull off at the next gas station or exit ramp. Please give it to your passengers and let them navigate those messages.

    • Open those snacks before you start driving and eat those messy meals somewhere other than behind the wheel.

    • Set your navigation and pick your music or other passenger entertainment before you begin your drive.

  • If you see dangerous or aggressive driving actions by another motorist, give them space. You can also pull over and call *CSP with a vehicle description and license plate. Let one of our troopers handle that dangerous issue.

  • NEVER drive impaired by alcohol or drugs.

“How fast can I go over the speed limit before I get pulled over?” CSP responds

CSP said one in three traffic deaths involved an impaired driver in 2023, and warned that as we approach the busiest drinking days of the year, drivers need to plan for a sober ride home.

Between Feb. 8 to Feb. 28, there will be increased enforcement from CSP and 70 local law enforcement agencies on the roadways looking for impaired driving.

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