Current week decisive for battle in Luhansk Oblast, says governor

If the occupiers do not succeed by the end of the week, then they will exhale and the situation will stabilize, said Haidai
If the occupiers do not succeed by the end of the week, then they will exhale and the situation will stabilize, said Haidai

Russia's war against Ukraine - the main events of May 25

Haidai said that if the Russian invaders do not succeed in capturing the oblast by the end of the week, they will run out of steam and the situation will at least stabilize.

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"We just understand that Putin has set a goal for his army to capture Luhansk Oblast, no matter what it costs, no matter how many soldiers die there, or (how much) equipment is destroyed," Haidai said.

"Therefore, (troops) are being transferred here from different regions, i.e. from Mariupol, and Kharkiv, and some of them were even taken from Donetsk Oblast to completely push through Luhansk Oblast."

Read also: Fighting underway as Russian invaders come closer to Severodonetsk, says Luhansk governor

At the same time, according to the governor, the invaders' forces are also not unlimited.

"They are no more bulletproof than anyone else," he said.

Read also: Russian invaders attack Lysychansk oil refinery, Luhansk regional authorities report

"The only thing, of course, is that there are a lot of them... But I think that the current week will actually show everything. The development of events will take place this week. Because if they don't succeed before Saturday or Sunday (May 28-29), they will run out of steam and the situation will at least stabilize for us. If we survive a week, we stand, (and) it will be much easier later on."