Cutest Pet Photo Contest enters second week. Share your images now

Apr. 18—We've brought back our 4th annual Cutest Pet Photo Contest, and we want you to get involved!

We need help identifying the cutest in the area in 10 categories. It's simple. You upload photos or videos of your pets, then vote on your favorites.

Here's how to participate:

1. Visit

2. Click to go to our Cutest Pet Photo Contest or Cutest Pet Video Contest.

3. Submit your photos or videos between April 11 (National Pet Day) and April 30 (National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day).

Our categories are: Cutest Dog, Cutest Cat, Best Rescue, Best Senior, Best Pet & Owner Look-a-Like, Most Mischievous, Best Work From Home, Best Costume and Best "Olympian Moment."

4. Vote on your favorites from May 2-May 22.

So organize your photos, take some new ones, take those videos and challenge your pet to an "Olympic worthy" sport and capture the moment and get ready to enter our contest for a chance to win a variety of prizes.

For inspiration, here's a look at the 7 winners in our photo contest from 2021:

Cutest Dog

Sometimes you need wine....

I'm Sumo and I love this wine toy that my neighbor gave me for Christmas.

Cutest Cat


Passing out treats

Most Mischievous Pet


After "helping" mow the grass.

Best Pet & Owner Look-alike

Like Father Like Son

Beard and all, lets go Vols!

Best Rescue Pet

A Rescue doing some rescuing of his own

Jerry the Golden Retriever is a rescue. Here he is rescuing a little bunny.

Best Senior Pet (8+ Years Old)

Senior Doodle Out On The Town

Most days are the typical eat, morning stroll, nap, occasional treat, afternoon stroll, eat, play, nap, evening stroll, and bedtime! BUT some evenings I put on my straw hat and go out on the town!!! It's a Doodle's life and I'm living it!!

Best Work From Home Pet

Nala's Morning Routine

Gotta check my morning emails.